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I am a chief researcher in the Research Group Civil Society and Sustainability at Kaunas University of Technology, hold a PhD in political science from the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and have previously taught at the Institute of International Relations of the University of São Paulo. My work broadly focuses on the environment-technology-governance triangle. My primary interest is the question of how to design fair and effective global governance mechanisms that leverage novel technologies for environmental sustainability while simultaneously managing their diverse environmental-, political- and social risks. As part of that, I look into questions of path dependence and lock-in, both at the side of emerging technological challenges as well as on the side of institutional responses. My empirical focus is on biotechnology, climate engineering and, more recently, the emerging space industry. I am currently leading a 3-year research project on the transnationalization of outer space, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania.

biotechnologyclimate engineeringinternational institutionsnew and emerging technologiesouter space

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