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Philip Schleifer is Associate Professor of Transnational Governance at the Political Science Department at the University of Amsterdam. Previously to his appointment at the UvA, he was a Max Weber Fellow and a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute. Philip holds a PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

Philip’s research agenda focuses on transnational sustainability governance. His past and present projects investigate the effectiveness and transparency of voluntary standards in global value chains, the design of hybrid biofuel governance in the European Union, and the political economy of sustainable commodity production in emerging economies.

Philip’s work has been published by high impact journals, including Review of International Political Economy, Earth System Governance Journal, Regulation & Governance, Global Environmental Politics, Governance, Global Food Security, and Ecological Economics. His recently published book Global Shifts: Business, Politics, and Deforestation in a Changing World Economy (MIT Press, Earth System Governance Series), examines what global shifts in markets and power mean for the politics and governance of agricultural supply chains.

At the Earth System Governance Project, Philip is member of the Task Force on the Governance of Nature and Biodiversity.

commoditiesglobal supply chainspolitical economysustainability

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