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Guidelines for Presenters and Chairs

Guidelines for Presenters and Chairs

I am a Presenter

The time alloted to your presentation will depend on the numbers of presenters in your panel. As a general guideline, the standard Q&A will be 30 minutes. Therefore, estimated guidelines are:
  • Three presenters in your panel = 20 minutes each
  • Four Presenters in your panel = 15 minutes each
  • Five presenters in your panel = 12 minutes each
  • Six Presenters = 10 minutes each
Please be mindful to respect the chair’s guidelines, and allow each presenter to receive sufficient space for presentation and questions.

I am the chair of an in-person panel

  • Please bring a laptop with a HDMI or VGA – 15 pin port. Not all classrooms at University of Toronto will have computers at the docking station. We appreciate it if session chairs can bring their own laptop to ensure access to docking facilities.
  • Arrive ten minutes early – the location of the session will be included in the conference programme in the coming day
  • Allow at least 30 minutes in the session for questions and answers
  • Divide the remaining time among the number of papers being presented
  • Please strictly keep time to ensure equal time available for all presenters

I am the chair of an online panel

  • The virtual sessions will be hosted in Zoom, the link to the sessions will be included in the programme overview
  • Arrive 15 minutes in advance
  • A member of the conference team will be online to assist in checking microphones, screen sharing functionalities, and and troubleshoot other issues
  • You will be made administrator of the zoom room by our team once the session is open
  • Allow at least 30 minutes in the session for questions and answers
  • Divide the remaining time among the number of papers being presented
  • Please strictly keep time to ensure equal time available for all presenters
  • Monitor Q&A, or assign the volunteer to do so
  • Please do not allow the session to run more than 5 minutes over time. In order for the next sessions to begin, the room MUST be closed.

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2021 opening plenary of #ESG2021

Karen O’Brien at the 2021 Conference for Earth System Governance. The official opening session of the 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance was hosted at the conference venue and streamed live to virtual attendees.

Introduction by the conference chair: Professor Tatiana Kluvánková (SlovakGlobe at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the Slovak University of Technology, and CETIP – Earth System Governance Research Centre)

Earth System Governance International Project Office

If you have any questions about the 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance, you can reach out to our international project office. We will get back to you regarding your questions within a few working days.


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3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands