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Taskforce Meeting Day

On 27 October 2023, several meeting rooms at the conference will be provided for back-to-back events of our Project’s Taskforces, Working Groups, and Affiliated Projects.

Through Taskforces and Working Groups, the Earth System Governance Project seeks to push the frontiers of research in specific areas of its research agenda. Taskforces are led by Lead Faculty or Senior Research Fellows, with numerous Research Fellows participating. The Annual Conference is an opportunity for these groups to hold wider meetings, open up to new members, and set the agenda for the year.

Below is the provisional schedule

Taskforces and Working Groups are entitled to a 2-hour time slot, with the possibility of an additional 2-hour slot depending on room availability.

If you wish to organize a meeting, please contact the Radboud Conference organizers by email (

Kindly note that a participation fee of €50 is applicable for attending the Taskforce and Working Group Meeting Day in-person. This fee covers expenses for refreshments, lunch, and the necessary equipment to facilitate both hybrid and online meetings throughout the day.

The provided times are based on the Amsterdam time zone (GMT+2).

Taskforce/Working group
Meeting block 1
(8:30am – 10:30am)
Urban Working Group (Hybrid meeting)
Asia Pacific Working Group (Hybrid Meeting)
Earth System Law Taskforce (Hybrid meeting)
Working Group on Governance of Social-Ecological Systems (Hybrid Meeting)
Taskforce on Ocean Governance (Hybrid Meeting)
Coffee break
(10:30am – 11:30am)
Meeting block 2
(11:00am – 1:00pm)
Urban Working Group (Hybrid meeting)
Taskforce on Knowledge Cumulation (Online meeting)
Planetary Justice Taskforce (In-person meeting)
Taskforce on the Sustainable Development Goals (Hybrid meeting)
Decarbonization Working Group (Hybrid meeting)
Lunch Break
(1:00pm – 2:00pm)
Meeting Block 3
(2:00pm – 4:00pm)
Carbon Removal Working Group (Hybrid meeting)
Taskforce on the Governance of Nature and Biodiversity (Hybrid meeting)
Democracy Working Group (Hybrid meeting)
Coffee Break
(4:00pm – 4:30pm)
Meeting Block 4
(4:30pm – 6:30pm)
Earth System Law Taskforce (Hybrid meeting)
Working Group on Earth-Space Governance (Hybrid Meeting)

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2022 opening plenary of #ESG2022

The official opening session of the 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance was hosted at the conference venue and streamed live to virtual attendees.

This conference was opened by the Conference Chairs, and the Oran R. Young Prize for best early career paper was presented.

The keynote presentation was by Tzeporah Berman: “Oil Politics in a World on Fire”

Earth System Governance International Project Office

If you have any questions about the 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, you can reach out to our international project office. We will get back to you regarding your questions within a few working days.


Utrecht University
Faculty of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a
3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands