As part of the work to better link Swedish research to international Global Change programs, the Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences (SSEESS) visits Swedish universities and other research bodies to present SSEESS and inform about the potentials of and for international research collaboration, preferably in the form of seminars. SSEESS also seeks direct involvement with Swedish scientists to assist with relevant contacts and networking support at individual and project levels. SSEESS aims to primarily collaborate with existing relevant networks in Sweden, including the Earth System Governance International Project Office at Lund University.
The objectives of the seminar are to inform researchers about the activities and goals of SSEESS and the potentials of and for international research collaboration, as well as to stimulate a continued dialogue between participants, and SSEESS.
Seminar description:
The seminar will be held in LUCSUS in Rio, 4th Floor Geocentrum 1, Sölvegatan 10, November 25th, 2010, 15:15 – 16:30.
We aim for participants that are interested in international Global Change research and/or in investigating the opportunities for different kinds of research collaboration.
Tentative program:
15.15-15.20 Welcome and introduction (Lennart Olsson, LUCSUS)
15.20- 15.50 SSEESS and the ICSU Family (Dan Wilhelmsson, SSEESS)
15.50-16.05 Experiences of international research collaboration
16.05-16.30. Discussion and Fika
The seminar is organised by SSEESS and the Earth System Governance Research Centre at LUCSUS.
LUSCUS: Amanda Elgh, Amanda.elgh@lucsus.lu.se, +46 46 222 0470