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2012 Lund Conference – Interviews, Videos, Pictures

The Earth System Governance Project,  the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) and the Department of Political Science at Lund University organized the 2012 Lund Conference on Earth System Governance  –  “Towards a Just and Legitimate Earth System Governance: Addressing Inequalities”, 18-20 April 2012.

The conference programme, presented papers, and more information about the conference is available at the conference website.

A selection of pictures from the conference can be viewed hereAll plenary sessions and most semi-plenary sessions have been recorded and are available for streaming here or via the links below.

We are also glad to present a series of interviews with keynote speakers of the conference:

John Dryzek, Australian National University [interview] [video (starts at 54’)]

Maarten Hajer, University of Amsterdam [interview] [video (starts at 53′)]

Margaret C. Lee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill [interview] [video (starts at 2′)]

Timmons Roberts, Brown University [interview] [video (starts at 49′)]

Eugene A. Rosa, Washington State University [interview] [video (starts at 00.30′)]

Jan Aart Scholte, Warwick University [interview] [video (starts at 45′)]

Joni Seager, Bentley University [interview] [video (starts at 03.40′)]

Jens Steffek, Technische Universität Darmstadt [interview]

Camilla Toulmin, International Institute for Environment and Development [interview] [interview with International Innovations‘] [video (starts at 01.40′)]

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