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2013 Tokyo Conference – Call for Documentary Projects

A special feature at the Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference 2013 is the first ever Earth System Governance Documentary Project.

The purpose of the documentary project is to provide an additional method of information dissemination and idea sharing at Earth System Governance Conferences. We invite researchers, institutions and filmmakers to become involved in this project by submitting short documentaries, of 3 to 15 minutes, which reflect one of the conference themes and highlights their work.

The six conference themes include:

1. Earth System Governance Architectures in the 21st Century
2. Climate and Energy Governance Architectures
3. The Nexus between Architecture and the other “A’s” in Earth System Governance
4. Political Dynamics in the Interface of Agency and Architecture
5. Methodological Challenges to Complex Architectures and Multiple Agents
6. Special Conference Stream on Nuclear Safety and Post-disaster Governance

The Earth System Governance Scientific Steering Committee will review the documentaries and select the top documentaries to be screened at the Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference. Selected documentaries will be presented at the Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference with a panel discussion following the screening.

We are working hard to provide funding for selected documentarians, please check the website regularly for updates about this documentary project.

Key Dates

– Deadline for demo documentary submission: 1 November 2012
– Notification of acceptance: 15 November 2012
– Deadline for final copy of documentary: 1 January 2013
– Conference date: 28-31 January 2013


– Earth System Governance Project
– International Environmental Governance Architecture Research Group
– United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies

Co-hosts and Sponsors

– Tokyo Institute of Technology
– The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP)
– Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
– Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI)
– L’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
– Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

For additional information on the Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference, please e-mail us here:

Please check our website regularly for updates:

We look forward to welcoming you to the first Earth System Governance conference in Asia!

On behalf of all organizers, sponsors, and co-hosts,

Norichika KANIE
Chair, 2013 Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference

Erin Kennedy
Conference Manager, 2013 Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference

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