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2021 Early Career Dialogues on Earth System Governance  

Typically the Earth System Governance Project hosts a summer or winter school at the venue of the project’s annual conference. This year, as the 2021 Bratislava Conference is online: The yearly event will take place 6 weeks after the conference in order to provide attendees some breathing space.


Earth System Governance in Turbulent Times: Pathways to Just and Green Recovery


27-28th October 2021 organized according to three time zones.


From your home office and on the digital space! The 2021 Early Career Dialogues will be held entirely virtual.


The Early-Career Dialogues is free! But please be aware that if registered, you are expected to attend due to limited spaces.


Registration Form



The 2021 Early Career Dialogues is designed to function as a virtual workshop for early career researchers working on earth system governance, with an impetus on providing meaningful interactions and facilitating learning from multiple perspectives and diverse contexts. Early career is defined as a PhD-student or researcher who has received their PhD within 5 years prior to theevent. The Early Career Dialogues aim to: 

  •   build participants’ knowledge of key concepts and debates in earth system governance, from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives;
  •   introduce participants to the Earth System Governance project and to fellow researchers in its global community;
  •   advance and build upon ideas, discussions and insights from the 2021 Bratislava Conference;
  •   critically reflect on the Earth System Governance project’s Science and Implementation Plan and explore how themes and ideas in the plan could enrich participants’ research, teaching and broader societal outreach.

The Early Career Dialogues seeks to build upon and advance key conversations and insights of the 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance. Both events are guided by the five analytical lenses structuring the earth system governance research agenda, as captured in the 2018 Science and Implementation Plan; and a sixth stream focusing on specific issues and challenges concerning the current moment of crisis, contestation, and calls for action across the globe. 

The 2021 Early Career Dialogues will have a particular focus on pathways for Just and Green Recovery, given its critical importance in understanding the direct and indirect drivers of socio-environmental problems including behavior, politics, and wider economic systems.

Dialogues Format:

The 2021 Early Career Dialogues is organized across two days. 

The programme will be built with global attendance in mind, although aligned with Central European Summer Time for organizational purposes. Each day, joint lecture sessions for all participants will be provided by invited senior scholars of the Earth System Governance Project. These will occur in the midst of the day to allow for participation of a wide array of geographies and delve further into theoretical and methodological debates on earth system governance.

The joint lectures will be accompanied by interaction-oriented sessions wherein participants will be given the ability to reflect on the lecture material, connect with their peers, as well as to present and receive feedback on their own research. These sessions are held in the European morning and afternoon. Morning and afternoon sessions will be pre-distributed in groups depending on your selected time-zone.



  • There is a limited capacity of participants in the event
  • Deadline for Application is August 1st
  • If space is limited, priority will be given to existing research fellows of the project.
  • Early career is defined as a PhD-student or researcher who has received their PhD within 5 years prior to the event.
  • Participation is free! But please ensure that if you cannot attend that you notify the committee well in advance.
  • The Organizing Committee will seek to balance participant representation across geographies, gender and disciplines.
  • The Organizing Committee will review all applications and provide a response by 1 August. Applications will be selected on the basis of the quality of the research and the scientific connection to the Earth System Governance 2018-2028 Science and Implementation Plan.


Please fill in the following form to register.

With thanks to our Organising Committee

Prof. Cristina Inoue

Dr. Ana Flávia Barros-Platiau

Dr. Marta Berbés-Blázquez

Dr. Stanislava Brnkalakova

Dr. Vasna Ramasar

as well as the ESG International Project Office


View the playlist of speakers here:

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