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Call for Applications – INOGOV International Spring School on Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action?

Call for Applications for a fully funded spring school

INOGOV International Spring School on Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action?
5-8 March 2018, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Application deadline: 15th October 2017

The call for applications is now open for the second INOGOV Spring School. The Spring School is aimed at Early Career Researchers (i.e. PhD students, Research Masters students, and researchers that have obtained their PhD <7 years ago) with an interest in developing expertise around climate change policy and governance. There is no fee for the spring school and reasonable funding will be available to cover travel and accommodation expenses.

Summary: In 2015, the new climate treaty under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was signed in Paris. A key feauture of the agreement is that the ambitious goal of keeping global warning ‘well below 2° C’ would be achieved through emission reduction pledges that countries or groups of countries such as the EU submit. However, there remains a significant ‘gap’ between the emissions reduction pledges made and what is required to ensure that warming does not exceed the global target of two degrees. But ‘new’ and more dynamic forms of governing are appearing around, below and to the side of the UNFCCC, producing a much more complex, multi-centred or polycentric pattern. What is less clear is how and why these newer forms are emerging, how they interact and/or link with one another, and whether or not they will be sufficient to decarbonise society fast enough, or adapt society to the impacts of change. These questions will be addressed from a plurality of theoretical and methodological perspectives in this spring school.

Using a flipped classroom model, the Spring School will cover:

  • The notion and practical expression of polycentric governance in the specific context of climate change
  • Conceptual frameworks surrounding the notion of governance inventions, their diffusion and evaluation
  • Policy entrepreneurs, experiments, proof of principle and instrument constituencies as they relate to governance interventions
  • Diffusion of governance inventions, including internal and external drivers, barriers and post adoption adaptations
  • Evaluation, including outputs and outcomes
  • The role of political power and knowledge
  • Methods for studying innovations in climate governance


See here for more details and instructions on how to apply.

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