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Call for Papers: INOGOV Early Career Workshop on Climate Governance Trends in the Run-Up to Paris 2015

Research Workshop: Climate Governance Innovation Trends in the Run-Up to Paris 2015: Analysing Mitigation and Adaptation Policies
15 – 17 May 2017, Heidelberg, Germany
Submission deadline: 1 February 2017 

The 2009 Conference of the Parties (COP) in Copenhagen was widely seen as a failure. Six years later, the Paris COP led to a diplomatic success, even if, by itself, the outcome is not necessarily sufficient to ensure effective climate change mitigation and adaptation. Crucially, the Paris COP was more bottom-up in structure, with each state submitting a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). This transition – from a top-down governance model in 2009, to a more bottom-up approach in 2015 – and the new possibilities it opens up, represents a fascinating and underexplored topic of climate governance research.

In order to explore the topic in more detail, INOGOV will host a fully-funded international workshop for Early Career Scholars, supported by leading figures in the field, in Heidelberg, Germany, from 15th-17th May, 2017. An Early Career Scholar is any researcher who is within eight years of completing their Ph.D. (with very strong MA students and Ph.D. researchers especially welcome).

Download full details of call for papers here

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