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Call for Proposals – TC/ESG 2025

We are pleased to announce that submissions are now open for the Transformations Community/Earth System Governance Conference 2025 (TC/ESG25), South Africa.


Process & Important Dates:

We welcome presentations, interactive dialogue sessions, workshops, transformative practice sessions, and creative and well-being practices. Submit your proposals and abstracts with ideas for navigating sustainability transformations toward justice and equity! Individuals may submit more than one proposal (and/or be named as a speaker or facilitator in more than one proposal) but please note that we may limit the number of appearances that are accepted in the program to ensure the widest possible participation. If you have opted to present in person but more presentations are accepted than can be accommodated in person at the conference venue, you may be asked to present in one of the online sessions.

Visit the full conference website for more information.

Submission Streams:

Achieving a fair and inclusive future where we live well within the limits of our planet requires societies to undergo transformations that will enhance the quality of life for both present and future generations, and across species. These sustainability transformations must address existing injustices, including those produced by systems of domination such as colonialism, while also ensuring that new inequities are not created in the process. The conference aims to bring together academics and practitioners that are navigating these complexities in their work to share their insights and build new transdisciplinary collaborations towards building sustainable and just futures.

Within the broad theme of sustainability transformations towards justice & equity, the conference will focus on four sub-themes:



We welcome theoretical contributions alongside practical techniques, strategies, workshops, and case studies. Theoretical work coupled with case studies and examples of how practices can drive systemic change are highly encouraged, ensuring actionable insights and transformative impacts. This approach aims to bridge the gap between conceptual understanding and real-world applications, fostering a comprehensive dialogue that encompasses both academic rigor and practical relevance.

See the full call for proposals with details on submission themes, formats & criteria here.



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