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Co-Host Partners Announced for the 2023 Radboud Conference

The organizing team of the 2023 Radboud Conference: The Earth System Governance Project and Radboud Centre for Sustainability Challenges are very pleased to announce co-hosting partners of this year’s Annual Conference. These co-hosts are long-standing partners of the ESG global research alliance, as well as local partners in the Netherlands. They are committed to jointly ensuring the success and impact of this year’s conference, as well as facilitating the semi-plenary to present cutting edge research on sustainability transformations. 

Earth System Governance research seeks to explore political solutions and novel, more effective governance systems to cope with global environmental change. This year, the conference theme ‘Bridging Sciences and Societies for Sustainability Transformations’ aims especially to further increase and foster interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work among the research network, community of scholarship, and society at large. The sixth steam’s emphasis on transdisciplinarity particularly aims to bridge the gap between academic research and decision-making and to ensure that research can be made more relevant at various levels. 

We are especially pleased that the theme of ‘Bridging Sciences and Societies for Sustainability Transformations’ is a common ambition of our co-hosts:

The German Institute of Development and Sustainability: IDOS

The German Institute of Development and Sustainability – IDOS has become one of the world’s leading research institutes in development policy and global development. IDOS builds bridges between theory and practice through work based on the interplay between Research, Policy Advice and Training.   

IDOS is privileged and excited to support the conference once again as a co-host. Indeed, we are looking forward to our cooperation with our colleagues and friends at Radboud University and the ESG Project!

The Radboud conference theme speaks right to IDOS’ philosophy and institutional legacy as a bridge builder between sustainability research and policy-making on the one hand, as well as the practice for sustainable development and the global common good on the other.

We are particularly pleased to be able to support the ESG Project’s efforts to increase participation and engagement of fellows from Africa, Latin America and Asia and welcome Radboud’s initiative to host distinct South-South-Dialogues in conjunction with the main conference.

The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES), National University of Singapore

The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES), housed at the National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, aims to bridge the gap between sustainability goals and outcomes by generating fit-for-purpose policy analysis.  

For IES, Co-hosting the 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance provides a unique opportunity to reach scholars and practitioners working in this space.

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is a Dutch research institute that advises the Dutch government on environmental policy and regional planning issues. The research fields include sustainable development, energy and climate change, biodiversity, transport, land use, and air quality.

As the national scientific institute for strategic policy analysis, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is excited to learn from and exchange with the cutting-edge international research undertaken by the ESG community.

Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research at York University

The Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research uses critical problem-solving approaches to pursue effectiveness, equity, and excellence in global health. We are global health leaders, researchers, practitioners, and students working at the interface between research, policy, and practice to address 21st-century global health challenges.

The Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research believes that transdisciplinarity and critical problem-solving approaches are necessary to tackle 21st-century global health challenges. As co-hosts of the 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, we are committed to working collaboratively and highlighting planetary health perspectives within environmental governance in line with the conference’s vision of bridging sciences and societies for sustainability transformations.

Future Earth, The Earth Commission

Future Earth’s mission is to advance research in support of transformations to global sustainability. Future Earth convenes researchers and scholars from all parts of the world, across different societal and academic sectors, and across the natural, social, and human sciences. The Earth System Governance project is one of the 27 Global Research Networks of Future Earth.

The Earth Commission is a global, interdisciplinary team of researchers convened by Future Earth, with a mission to define safe and just Earth system boundaries and levers for transformations to a sustainable future. The Commission includes governance scholars from ESG.

Future Earth, The Earth Commission

Future Earth and the Earth Commission are excited to co-host the Earth System Governance Conference, in particular given this year’s explicit focus on inter- and transdisciplinarity to promote transformations to sustainability. We look forward to present results from the Earth Commission, and to interact with governance scholars from all over the world.

We wish to extend our thanks to these co-hosting partners for their support of the 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance. You can explore the ‘Hosts and Team’ page for more information about the hosts, conference chairs, and co-hosting organisations.

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