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Earth System Governance researchers appointed to IPCC AR-6

The Earth System Governance Project congratulates its Lead Faculty members and Research Fellows appointed as authors to the sixth Assessment Report (AR-6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The IPCC has invited 721 experts from 90 countries to participate in the AR-6 as Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors and Review Editors. Following their selection, the authors will now review the existing scientific literature and prepare drafts of the comprehensive assessment of the science related to climate change which will inform policymakers, international climate negotiators and other stakeholders about the latest knowledge on all aspects of climate change. The three IPCC Working Groups will finalize their respective contributions to the AR-6 report in 2021.

Following Earth System Governance researchers have been appointed to the IPCC AR-5 Working Group II – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability:

  • Francesca SPAGNUOLO, Senior Research Fellow, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, Italy – Lead Author, Chapter 4: Water.
  • Kathryn BOWEN, Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Germany – Lead Author, Chapter 7: Health, wellbeing and the changing structure of communities.
  • Emily BOYD, Lead Faculty, Lund University, Sweden – Lead Author, Chapter 8: Poverty, livelihoods and sustainable development
  • Riyanti DJALANTE, Research Fellow, United Nations University, Japan – Lead Author, Chapter 8: Poverty, livelihoods and sustainable development
  • François GEMENNE, Research Fellow, University of Liège, France – Lead Author, Chapter 8: Poverty, livelihoods and sustainable development
  • Patricia Fernanda PINHO, Research Fellow, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Brazil – Lead Author, Chapter 8: Poverty, livelihoods and sustainable development.
  • Lauren RICKARDS, Senior Research Fellow, RMIT University, Australia – Lead Author, Chapter 11: Australasia.
  • Margot HURLBERT, Senior Research Fellow, University of Regina, Canada – Review Editor, Chapter 14: North America.
  • Carolina ADLER, Research Fellow, Mountain Research Initiative, Switzerland – Lead Author, Chapter 17: Decision-making options for managing risk.
  • Diana LIVERMAN, Lead Faculty, University of Arizona, United States of America – Review Editor, Chapter 18: Climate resilient development pathways.


Following Earth System Governance researchers have been appointed to the IPCC AR-5 Working Group III – Mitigation of Climate Change:

  • Xuemei BAI, Lead Faculty, Australia National University, Australia – Lead Author, Chapter 8: Urban systems and other settlements.
  • Karen SETO, Lead Faculty, Yale University, United States of America – Coordinating lead author, Chapter 8: Urban systems and other settlements.
  • Kanako MORITA, Research Fellow, Keio University, Japan – Lead Author, Chapter 15: Investment and finance.
  • Sarah BURCH, Senior Research Fellow, University of Waterloo, Canada – Lead Author, Chapter 17: Accelerating the transition in the context of sustainable development
  • Joni JUPESTA, Research Fellow, PT. SMART Tbk, Indonesia – Lead Author, Chapter 17: Accelerating the transition in the context of sustainable development.


Global scientific assessments like the IPCC Assessment Reports are an important instrument to provide decision-makers with a scientific view on and summary of the current state of global environmental change and its consequences. They are also providing valuable input for the international negotiations.

The Earth System Governance research community is involved in multiple assessments in line with its ambition to not only better understand, but also improve governance through developing concrete policy solutions. For instance, Scientific Steering Committee member Prof. Lennart Olsson (Lund University) and Senior Research Fellow Prof. Margot Hurlbert (University of Regina, Canada) currently serve as Coordinating Lead Authors for the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land. Around thirty Earth System Governance researchers have been selected as authors and experts to contribute cutting-edge social science research to the 6th Global Environment Outlook report (GEO-6) which is co-chaired by our Scientific Steering Committee member Joyeeta Gupta (University of Amsterdam).

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