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Environmental Justice MOOC

Enrolment is now open for the new Environmental Justice MOOC (a free online course) run by the University of East Anglia and Future Learn. The course starts on 16th October and runs for 5 weeks.

Environmental Justice MOOC – Understand how climate change, biodiversity loss and deforestation affect people, exploring justice in environment management.

Why join the course?

The world faces challenging environmental problems. They are challenging because different people typically contribute differently to environmental change, and because its effects will be felt differently by different people in different places. This free online course will help you understand how injustice is a common feature of many environmental problems, including deforestation, biodiversity loss, climate change and water management. We’ll show that sustainable environmental management requires attention to justice – that we need to strike the right balance between the needs, interests, rights and aspirations of various stakeholders today, and those of both nature and future generations.

How long will the course last?

This course runs for 5 weeks and expect about 4 hours of study each week.

Who will I be learning with?

You’ll learn with the University of East Anglia’s Global Environmental Justice Group – an interdisciplinary mix of scholars interested in the links between social justice and environmental change. Through a series of films shot in Africa, Asia and Latin America, you’ll also meet environmental activists and find out how justice can be a powerful motivator for environmental action. You’ll share your own experiences with other learners around the world, thinking about how you can put academic theory into practice, through course discussions, quizzes and assignments.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for people who are already working on environmental problems or are familiar with environmental issues. It seeks to address environmentalists around the world although a background on international development will be useful.

Register today!

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