The Earth System Governance Journal is a flagship publication of the Earth System Governance Project. It is available for scholars to publish cutting-edge research of their own, as well as that presented at our conference, academic workshops, synthesising work by our research taskforces, and similar activities. In 2021, 90,305 colleagues downloaded articles from the ESG Journal.
We have good news! The journal has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus and by Clarivate Web of Science. To celebrate, Elsevier is inviting submissions to the ESG Journal that will be exempt from a publishing fee for a limited time. The exemption will run until the 31st of May 2023 for all submissions. The Journal has always been and remains Open Access. This means that articles will be free for those with accepted articles to publish, as well as being open source for our readers. The lack of financial contribution authors is an opportunity for researchers from around the world and in underrepresented regions to make an impact with an open access journal, enhancing academic freedom, diversity and inclusion.