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Global Dialogue on Biodiversity Law and Governance Transformative Pathways to “Living in Harmony with Nature”

Global Dialogue on Biodiversity Law and Governance Transformative Pathways to “Living in Harmony with Nature”

The Centre for Environmental Law, Macquarie University in Sydney Australia organizes the 2021 Flagship Conference “Global Dialogue on Biodiversity Law and Governance: Transformative Pathways to Living in Harmony with Nature” to be held on the 6th- 8th of July.

The Conference will consist of 9 Panels (including a keynote panel), 39 presentations, 48 speakers from 18 countries across 5 continents to discuss pressing biodiversity issues. Please register here for the event for free.

For details about the topics and speakers for each day, please find attached the Global Dialogue Conference Booklet.

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