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ISEE 2010 Conference – Registration open

The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE ) invites to the 11th biennial conference “Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis” to be held in Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany, 22-25 August 2010.

Taking into account the overwhelming response to the call for papers, more than 800 participants are expected to join the conference in August. 600 presentations in different formats such as parallel sessions, semi-plenaries and special keynotes will contribute to a rich and interesting programme that will start with a welcome reception on Sunday evening. Scientific sessions will begin Monday morning and run through till Wednesday afternoon. A special conference reception and the conference dinner will take place in Bremen on Tuesday night. More than 20 special sessions, discussion sessions and a poster session will round up the four days in Oldenburg and Bremen. The central conference themes will be addressed by keynote speakers from academia, policy making, non-governmental organizations and from business. Keynote speakers are: Pavan Sukhdev, Bina Agarawal, Tim Jackson, Sabine O’Hara, Fander Falconi, Roland Scholz, Mikael Skou Andersen, Clive Spash, Fred Luks, Severn Suzuki (tbc), Juliet Schor, Ottmar Edenhofer and Hermann Daly.

To register for the “ISEE Conference 2010 – Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis” please go to Note that registration is only possible online. Registrations ends 31 July 2010, early bird registration ends 31 May 2010.

More Information
More information on the ISEE Conference 2010 is available at the conference website. For questions concerning the conference in general please do not hesitate to contact:

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