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Save the Date! 2017 Lund Conference

2017 Lund Conference on Earth System Governance:
Allocation & Access in a Warming and Increasingly Unequal World

Lund University, 9-11 October 2017

We invite you to the Lund Conference on Earth System Governance to be held 9-11 October 2017 in Lund, Sweden.

The Lund Conference on Earth System Governance is hosted by Lund University and jointly organised by the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), Department of Political Science and the Earth System Governance Project. The conference coincides with celebrations of the 350th Anniversary of Lund University which will add extra festivity to the event.

Key Dates

  • Deadline for paper abstracts: 15 March 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2017
  • Full papers due: 20 September 2017
  • Conference dates: 9-11 October 2017


The conference is part of the global series organised by the Earth System Governance Project. The first Earth System Governance conference was held in Amsterdam in December 2009 followed by Fort Collins (2011), Lund (2012), Tokyo (2013), Norwich (2014), Canberra (2015), and Nairobi (2016).

The conference theme Allocation and access in a warming and increasingly unequal world will be addressed in five thematic streams:

  • Environmental justice in earth system governance
  • Conceptual understandings and progress
  • Science and activism
  • Theory and methodology
  • Earth system governance in turbulent times


In addition to these five thematic streams, we also welcome papers relevant to earth system governance in general. The abstract submission system and the conference website with further information will be online soon. We will welcome following submission formats:

  1. Individual papers: Addressing the main conference theme, one or more of the above streams or any other topics relevant to the Earth System Governance project. All abstracts will be anonymised and evaluated in double‐blind peer-review by several members of the conference review panel.
  2. Full panels: Panel proposals addressing the main conference theme, one or more of the above streams or any other topics relevant to the Earth System Governance project. All panels will be evaluated in double‐blind peer‐review by several members of the conference review panel.
  3. Innovative sessions: Proposals for non-traditional sessions, such as roundtables (which can include academics, non-governmental organisations, policy-makers, etc.), policy games, book launches and book clubs (discussing recently published academic works in the field), and multi-media sessions. Proposals will be reviewed by the conference organisers and members of the local advisory committee.

In addition, the conference will provide space for side-events or back-to-back meetings of Task Forces, Affiliated Projects, or other relevant meetings.

Save the dates and stay tuned for the full call for papers as well as the launch of the conference website soon!

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