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Science-Policy Opportunities this month

Please find below announcements of opportunities for scholars, some of which fall under Future Earth. As the Earth System Governance Project is a Global Research Network of Future Earth, scholars are considered part of the community and welcome to take advantage of the following opportunities in January and February 2023:
(1) CBD Experts, (2) IPBBES review (3) UNFCC SBSTA (4) UNFCCC global stocktake and 5) 10 New Insights in Climate Science

1. CBD Call for nomination of experts for ad hoc technical expert group on indicators for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
The CBD is asking for nominations for experts to contribute to the ad hoc technical expert group on indicators for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. If you want to be nominated, please fill out this SUBMISSION FORM by 23 February 2023. Any inquiries can be sent to
Deadline: 23 February 2023

2. First external review of IPBES nexus assessment
IPBES has begun the first external review of the thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (nexus assessment)
, which is open from 9 January to 19 February 2023. Interested and qualified experts are invited to comment on text according to their knowledge and experience. For more information and to register as an expert reviewer, please follow the steps outlined here. For any inquiries, please contact

3. Call for submitting views on possible themes for the meeting of the research dialogue
The UNFCCC SBSTA has opened a call for parties and relevant organizations to submit views on possible themes for the fifteenth meeting of the research dialogue. The SBSTA research dialogue provides a setting to discuss needs for climate change research and research-related capacity-building, particularly in developing countries, and to convey research findings and lessons learned from activities undertaken by regional and international research programmes and organizations. You can find more information here.
Deadline: 28 February 2023
Please contact with your submission.

4. Inputs to the first UNFCCC global stocktake 
The first global stocktake is critical to assessing collective progress under the Paris Agreement and addressing opportunities for enhanced action and support. The highly participatory structure of the GST opens the door for Future Earth and other stakeholders to provide vital input and contribute to our understanding of global efforts and priority actions. The call for Inputs to be considered in the third technical assessment of the Global Stocktake is now open.
More info here.
Guiding questions for the submissions here.
Deadline: 6 March 2023 (updated)
Please contact with your submissions.


5. The CALL FOR INPUTS for this year’s 10 New Insights in Climate Science is now open.

This is an opportunity to influence the content of this year’s edition. We welcome and encourage all researchers working on climate change related topics (both natural and social sciences), to share thoughts on what you deem to be crucial recent research advances that should be highlighted for policy-makers, negotiators and the general public.With this call we also aim to identify topic experts interested in contributing as co-authors of the academic manuscript. You may declare your own interest to do so and/or recommend someone else. In the past three years, academic papers have been published in the journal Global Sustainability, an accomplishment we aim to repeat again for this year’s edition. Co-authors of the academic paper will also be acknowledged on the policy report.


The 10 New Insights in Climate Science series is a joint initiative by Future Earth, The Earth League, and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). This annual year-in-review highlightings essential advances in climate change research with high policy relevance. It has been launched every year since 2017 at the climate COP with participation of the UNFCCC Executive Secretary. The policy report, and the peer-reviewed paper supporting it, are made possible by a formidable community-wide effort involving the research networks of the three partner organisations. Last year, various GRNs from Future Earth contributed at different stages of this process (ESG, GLP, GCP, iLEAPS, MAIRS-FE, oneHEALTH, PAGES, PECS, F&E-KAN, Health-KAN,Ocean-KAN, RISK-KAN, and SSCP-KAN).

If you have any question or comment about this call, or the ‘10 New Insights’ process in general, please contact our colleague Daniel Ospina <>.


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