The Earth System Governance Project is glad to announce that the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, United Kingdom, has joined the global alliance of Earth System Governance Research Centres. This global alliance of Research Centres is a core element of the implementation of the Earth System Governance Science Plan. Earth System Governance Research Centres support the implementation of specific parts of the Earth System Governance Science Plan and in addition act as focal points for earth system governance research in their area.
The University of East Anglia in Norwich, United Kingdom, is an acknowledged centre of excellence in relation to the study of the inter-linkages between natural and human systems. It is home to several internationally renowned research centres (such as the Tyndall Centre on Climate Change Research (which is headquartered at UEA), CSERGE and the Climatic Research Unit) as well as the Schools of Environmental Sciences and International Development. UEA has been a passionate advocate and exponent of policy relevant interdisciplinarity since its foundation in 1963. At UEA, many subjects which had normally been studied and taught in separate departments were brought together in interdisciplinarity centres and schools such as the Tyndall Centre. The geographical areas in which UEA researchers operate is highly diverse, and includes Europe as well as Latin America, Africa, Australasia and Asia. UEA is also distinctive in terms of the diversity of methodologies and theories used and developed by its researchers and teachers. Consequently, it is actively involved in understanding processes across all 5 analytical problems of the Earth System Governance research agenda, namely allocation and access, adaptation, accountability, architecture and agency.
The Earth System Governance Research Centre Norwich is lead by Prof. Andrew Jordan. Other UEA faculty members affiliated to the centre are Prof. Neil Adger, Prof. Kate Brown, and Prof. Peter Newell. The Earth System Governance Research Fellow Lauren Roffey will be in charge for coordination at the research centre.
With the new centre at UEA, the global alliance of research centres brings together nine leading institutes: the VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands; the Australian National University, Australia; Chiang Mai University, Thailand; Colorado State University, USA; Lund University, Sweden; Oldenburg University, Germany; the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden; the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom. Strong networks on earth system governance research are also emerging in China, and discussions with potential partners in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, India, and Latin America are underway.
The Earth System Governance project will continue and increase its efforts towards further development of cooperation with partners in these regions and takes a strategic approach towards including centres in the South.