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Dr. Andrea C. Simonelli is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Virginia Commonwealth University and Founder of Adaptation Strategies International (ASI). She holds a M.A. and Ph.D. in political science from Louisiana State University, and additional diplomas from the United Nations University Environment and Human Security Programme Summer Academy and Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre Summer School in Forced Migration. She is a member of Environmental and Climate Mobilities Network (ECMN), the Academics for Climate Advocacy Working Group, Future Earth, and the Earth Systems Governance Task Force on Earth System Law. She is also a speaker for the Climate Voices Network, sits on the roster of experts for the Adaptation Fund and the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CKDN), an associate with Millennium Alliance for Humanity & the Biosphere (MAHB), a member of the UNFCCC’s Research and Independent Non-governmental Organizations (RINGO) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a member of the Earth Systems Law Taskforce (ESL) and serves on the board of directors for the National Transparency Project. Her research investigates the global governance implications of climate-induced migration as well as the relationship between governance, adaptation, and human security on Small Island developing States.

climate migrationgovernacneislandsmobilitiesresilience

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