Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati is presently working as an Assistant Professor (Economics) in Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (IITT), India. His major research interests include climate change economics, environmental economics, behavioural economics, natural resource management and development economics. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Madras Institute of Development Studies, India. During his PhD, he did internship with International Water Management Institute, Hyderabad, India. Earlier, he had associated with reputed research institutes like Gujarat Institute of Development Research, India and M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, India. He has published several research papers in peer reviewed journals like Food Security, Land Use Policy, International Journal of the Commons, Climate and Development, Regional Environmental Change, Water Policy, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, etc. He has been acting as a Review Editor for Frontiers in Climate Journal.
Current projects included how various institutions and policies influence farmers’ adaptive behaviour, effectiveness of soil-based interventions, crop-insurance, behavioural norms and household energy conservation, loss and damage estimation, and COVID-19 and its’ impact on informal sectors. These projects are sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Previously, he has carried out several research projects related to climate change and natural resource management, sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN-GCR), International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), GIZ-India, etc.
Selected Publications:
Peer-reviewed Journal articles
- Bahinipati, C.S., (2021) “Do Risk Management Strategies Prevent Economic and Non-Economic Loss and Damages? Evidence from Drought Affected Households in Western India”, Environmental Quality and Management, DOI: 10.1002/tqem.21747.
- Bahinipati, C.S., V. Kumar and P.K. Viswanathan, (2021) “An Evidence based systematic review on farmers’ adaptation strategies in India”, Food Security, 13, 399-418.
- Bahinipati, C.S., and U. Patnaik, (2020), “Does development reduce damage risk from climate extremes? Empirical evidence for floods in India”, Water Policy, 22(5), 748-767.
- Viswanathan, P.K., K. Kavya, and C.S. Bahinipati, (2020), “Emerging Global Patterns of Climate Resilient Agriculture: A Review of Literature and Pointers towards an empirical research framework for India”, Review of Development and Change, 25(2), 169-192.
- Sampath, P., G.S. Jagadeesh, and C.S. Bahinipati, (2020) “Sustainable intensification of agriculture in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: prospects for the future”, Water, 12(10), 2738.
- Bahinipati, C.S., (2020), “Assessing the costs of droughts in rural India: a comparison of economic and non-economic loss and damage”, Current Science, 118(11): 1832-1841.
- Bahinipati, C.S. and P.K. Viswanathan, (2019), “Can micro-irrigation technologies resolve India’s groundwater crisis? Reflections from dark-regions in Gujarat”, International Journal of the Commons, 13(2): 848-858.
- Bahinipati, C.S. and P.K. Viswanathan, (2019), “Incentivizing resource efficient technologies in India: evidence from diffusion of micro-irrigation in the dark zone regions of Gujarat”, Land Use Policy, 86: 253-260.
- Patnaik, U., P. K. Das, and C.S. Bahinipati, (2019), “Developmental Interventions, Adaptation Decision and Farmers’ Well-being: Evidence from Drought-prone Households in rural India”, Climate and Development, 11(4): 302-318.
- Patnaik, U., P. K. Das, C.S. Bahinipati and O. Tripathy, (2017), “Can Developmental Interventions Reduce Households’ Vulnerability? Empirical Evidence from Rural India”, Current Science, 113(10): 2004-2013.
- Bahinipati, C. S., U. Rajasekar, A. Acharya, and M. Patel, (2017), “Flood-induced Loss and Damage to Textile Industry in Surat City, India”, Environment and Urbanization Asia, 8(2): 170-187.
- Bahinipati, C.S. and L. Venkatachalam, (2016), “Role of climatic risks and socio-economic factors in influencing the economic impact of climatic extremes: A normalisation study in the context of Odisha, India” Regional Environmental Change, 16(1): 177-188.
- Bahinipati, C.S. and L. Venkatachalam, (2015), “What drives farmers to adopt farm-level adaptation practices to climate extremes: Empirical evidence from Odisha, India” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 14(4): 347-356.
- Bahinipati, C.S., (2015), “Determinants of Farm-Level Adaptation Diversity to Cyclone and Flood: Insights from a Farm Household-Level Survey in Eastern India” Water Policy, 17(4): 742-761.
- Nambi, A. A., C.S. Bahinipati, R. Ranjini and R. Nagendran, (2015), “Farm household level adaptation metrics for agriculture and water sectors” International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 7(1): 27-40.
- Bahinipati, C.S. and U. Patnaik, (2015), “The damages from climatic extremes in India: Do disaster specific and generic adaptation measures matter?” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 17(1): 157-177.
- Bahinipati, C.S. (2014), “Assessment of vulnerability to cyclones and floods in Odisha, India: A District-level analysis” Current Science, 107(12): 1997-2007.
- Eriksen, S., P. Aldunce, C. S. Bahinipati et al., (2011), “When not Every Response to Climate Change is a Good One: Identifying Principles for Sustainable Adaptation”, Climate and Development, 3(1): 7-20.
Book Chapters
- Loganathan, S., C.S. Bahinipati, K.E. Seetharam and K.N. Satyanarayaka, (2021), “Policies and priorities for developing capacity building to high-quality infrastructure”, In Hayashi, Y. et al., ADBI, Japan.
- Bahinipati, C.S. and U. Patnaik, (2021), “What motivates farmers’ adaptation decision to climate change and extreme events in India? A systematic review of literature”, In Haque, A.K.E. et al., ‘Climate change and community resilience: insights from South Asia’, Springer.
- Bahinipati, C.S., V. Kumar, P.K. Viswanathan, and K. Kavya, (2021), “Estimation of district-wise livelihood vulnerability index for the four coastal states in India”, In Pal, I. et al., ‘Disaster Resilience and Sustainability’, Elsevier, Chapter 21.
- Bahinipati, C.S., and P. K. Viswanathan, (2017), “Adoption and diffusion of micro-irrigation in Gujarat, Western India: Do institutions and policies matter?”, In P. Mukhopadhyay, N. Nawn and K. Das (Eds,), Global Change, Ecosystems and Sustainability, Sage Publication, New Delhi, pp. 204-224.
- Viswanathan, P. K., J. Pathak and C.S. Bahinipati, (2016) ‘State of Development and adoption of Micro Irrigation Systems in Gujarat’, In P. K. Viswanathan, M. Dinesh Kumar and A. Narayanamoorthy (Eds.), Micro Irrigation Systems in India: Emergence, Status and Impacts in Select Major States, Springer-Verlag, Singapore, pp. 71-89.
- Bahinipati, C.S., and P. K. Viswanathan, (2016) ‘Determinants of Adopting and Accessing Benefits of Water Saving Technologies: A Study of Public Tube Wells with MI Systems in North Gujarat’, In P. K. Viswanathan, M. Dinesh Kumar and A. Narayanamoorthy (Eds.), Micro Irrigation Systems in India: Emergence, Status and Impacts in Select Major States, Springer-Verlag, Singapore, pp. 133-154.
- Bahinipati, C. S., U. Patnaik and P. K. Viswanathan, (2016), “What causes economics losses from natural disasters in India”, In: Dinda, S. (Eds.), ‘Handbook of Research on Climate Change Impact on Health and Environmental Sustainability’ IGI Global Publisher, pp. 157-175.