Chris Riedy is Professor of Sustainability Governance and Director of Higher Degree Research at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney. He is a transdisciplinary academic with a research focus on governance for sustainable futures. Chris draws on sociological and political theory, futures thinking and transformative science to design, facilitate and evaluate practical experiments in transformative change towards sustainable futures.
Chris is a Senior Research Fellow of the Earth System Governance project, Lead Steward of the Meta-Narratives Working Group under the SDG Transformation Forum, a member of the Sustainability Transitions Research Network and is on the Editorial Boards of Futures and the Journal of Futures Studies. He has led 87 research projects at ISF with a combined value of $3.4 million. These projects include a comprehensive review of Australia’s National GreenPower Program, an innovative social practice evaluation of the NSW Smarter Choice Program, pioneering research on cohousing as an option for older Australians, and qualitative research on the systemic impacts of citizen juries. He has published two books, 40 peer-reviewed articles or chapters, more than 60 research reports and hundreds of web articles. He writes a blog on living within planetary boundaries called Planetcentric (
Selected publications:
- Fam, D, Palmer, J, Riedy, C and Mitchell, C (eds), 2017, Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainable Outcomes, Routledge.
- Wynne, L and Riedy, C, 2018, Precinct-scale innovation and the sharing paradigm, in Wilkinson, S & Remoy, H. (eds), Building Urban Resilience through Change of Use, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Riedy, C, Mitchell, C, Willetts, J and Cunningham, I, 2018, Nurturing transdisciplinary graduate learning and skills through a community of practice approach, in Fam, D, Gibbs, P and Neuhauser, L, The art of collaborative research and collective learning: Transdisciplinary theory, practice and education, Springer.
- Palmer, J, Riedy, C, Fam, D and Mitchell, C, 2017, Transdisciplinary research and practice for sustainable outcomes: introduction, in Fam, D, Mitchell, C, Palmer, J and Riedy, C (eds), Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainable Outcomes, Routledge, pp.1-6.
- Riedy, C, 2017, Seeding a new transdisciplinary community of practice, in Fam, D, Mitchell, C, Palmer, J and Riedy, C (eds), Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainable Outcomes, Routledge, pp.93-106.
- Riedy, C, 2016, ‘Interior transformation on the pathway to a viable future’, Journal of Futures Studies, 20 (3), pp.35-54.
- McGrail, S and Riedy, C, 2015, ‘Creating scenarios or creating and sustaining social worlds? Towards new sociological understandings of the use and impacts of scenario planning’, International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 10 (2-4), pp.103-125.
- Riedy, C and Kent, J, 2015, Australian Climate Action Groups in the deliberative system, Environmental Politics, doi:10.1080/09644016.2015.1008235.
- Riesz, J, Hindsberger, M, Gilmore, J and Riedy, C, 2014, ‘Perfect storm or perfect opportunity? Future scenarios of the electricity sector and their implications for utilities’, in Sioshansi, F.P. (ed) Distributed Generation and its Implications for the Utility Industry, Academic Press, pp.453-474.
- Thompson, NK and Riedy, C, 2014, ‘Democratic Innovations in Local Government: A Public Value perspective’, Sustainability in Public Works 2014 Conference, Tweed Heads / Coolangatta, 27-29 July 2014.
- Riedy, C, 2013, ‘The Social Practices of Change Agency in the Context of Community Energy Use’, in James, P, Hudson, C, Carroll-Bell, S and Taing, A (eds) People and the Planet 2013 Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, 2-4 July 2013,
- Riedy, C, Herriman, J, Ross, K, Lederwasch, A and Boronyak, L, 2013, ‘Innovative Techniques for Local Community Engagement on Climate Change Adaptation’, in James, P, Hudson, C, Carroll-Bell, S and Taing, A (eds) People and the Planet 2013 Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, 2-4 July 2013,
- Riedy, C and McGregor, I, 2011, ‘Climate governance is failing us: we all need to respond’, Portal, 8 (3).
- Riedy, C and Herriman, J, 2011, ‘Deliberative mini-publics and the global deliberative system: Insights from an evaluation of World Wide Views on Global Warming in Australia’, Portal, 8 (3).
- Riedy, C, 2011, ‘Futures of the climate action movement: Insights from an integral futures approach’, Journal of Futures Studies, 15 (3), pp.33-52.
- Riedy, C 2009, ‘The influence of futures work on public policy and sustainability’, Foresight, 11 (5), pp.40-56.
- Riedy, C.J. 2007, The Eye of the Storm: An Integral Perspective on Sustainable Development and Climate Change Response, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Saarbrucken, Germany.