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Dr Peter Lawrence is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Tasmania Law School (Australia). Peter’s research is interdisciplinary spanning international law and philosophy, particularly theories of justice and the global climate regime. Peter is the author of Justice for Future Generations, Climate Change and International Law (2014). In 2016 Peter was a visiting research scholar at the University of Utrecht Ethics Institute working on intergenerational justice issues. He has also undertaken work in relation to the use of soft law, justice and effectiveness in relation to the Paris Climate Agreement.

Peter is currently collaborating on an Australia-Germany research project on representation of future generations in the international legal order with colleagues at the Munich School of Philosophy, Germany. He is a former Australian diplomat with extensive experience in negotiating environmental agreements.

Selected Publications

  • Lawrence, P. Justice for future generations, climate change and international law (Edward Elgar, 2014).
  • Lawrence P, ‘Representation of future generations’, Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Governance, Routledge, A Kalfagianni, D Fuchs and A Hayden (ed), United Kingdom, (2019). 88-99.
  • Lawrence P, Reder M, ‘Equity and the Paris agreement: legal and philosophical perspectives’, Journal of Environmental Law, (30 June) (2019) 1-21.
  • Lawrence P, Kohler L, ‘Representation of future generations through international climate litigation: a normative framework’, German Yearbook of International Law, 60 (2018) 639-666.
  • Lawrence P, Wong D, ‘Soft law in the Paris Climate Agreement: strength or weakness?’, Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 26, (3) (2017) 276-286.
  • Lawrence. P, Byrnes, R ‘Bringing diplomacy into the classroom: Stimulating student engagement through a simulated treaty negotiation’ Legal Education Review (Australia) Vol 26 (2016) 20-46.

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