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Dr. Svenja Behrendt


Svenja Behrendt works as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Konstanz, Germany (Faculty of Law) within the initiative of excellence “Constituting the Human Data Society: Autonomy – Agency – Accountability”. She is a lawyer by training.

Recently, she has worked on the conceivability of a legal (and not onyl moral) obligation towards future generations and future people. It is based on the concept of human rights she has developped in her dissertation. Currently, she is working on a human-rights-based framework for adressing intergenerational justice and ressource allocation, the (in-)stability of democracy, and the question in what way law fosters or obstructs a societal change towards sustainability.

Her research interests lie within the field of human rights, democracy, constitutional law, legal theory, socio-legal studies and legal philosophy, as well as interdisciplinary connections of law (law and psychology, sociology, political, computational and information sciences).

Constitutional LawdemocracyFuture Generationshuman rightsIntergenerational JusticelawLegal SystemSystemic Change

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