Elia Elia Cia Alves is Professor in the Department of International Relations and at the PostGraduate Program of International Cooperation and Public Governance (PGPCI) at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) (Brazil). She is a researcher at the Center for Research in Comparative and International Politics (NEPI/UFPE). She holds a PhD in Political Science from UFPE (2017), where she also conducted postdoctoral studies (2018) in marine governance. She holds a master’s degree in economics from Unicamp (2011), a bachelor’s degree in international relations from the University of São Paulo, USP (2008) and bachelor’s degree in economics from Unisul (2017). Her research interests involve climate and marine governance, renewable energy politics and higher education.
- Cia Alves, Elia Elisa; De Almeida Lopes Fernandes, Ivan Filipe. 2020. Objetivos Do Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Uma Transformação No Debate Científico Do Desenvolvimento? In Meridiano 47 (Unb), v.21, 1-17.
- Cia Alves, E. E.; Leite, A. C. C.; Pichi, Livia. 2020. Unfolding International Development Cooperation In Energy Efficiency Programs In Sociedade e Cultura, v.23.
- Cia Alves, Elia E.; Steiner, Andrea Q. 2020. The Economic Aspects of Renewable Energy Policies in Developing Countries In Environmental Policy, edited by Thomas Walker, 167-192: Wiley.
- Leite, A. C. C.; Cia Alves, E. E.; Pichi, Livia. 2020. A Cooperação Multilateral Climática e a Promoção Da Agenda Da Transição Energética No Brasil In Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, V.54, 379-403.
- Cia Alves, E. E.; Medeiros, M. A.; Steiner, A. Q.; Silva, M. E. A.. 2019. From A Breeze To The Four Winds: A Panel Analysis Of The International Diffusion Of Renewable Energy Incentive Policies (2005-2015) In Energy Policy, v.125, 317-329.
- Cia Alves, E. E.; Barbosa, G. G. ; Ribeiro, R. A. . 2018. Mudanças Nos Objetivos Energéticos E Política Externa Brasileira: Os Biocombustíveis No Brasil De 2003 A 2012 In Revista De Estudos Internacionais, v.9, 26-46.