Frank Fischer is distinguished professor of politics and global affairs at Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey in the United States. He teaches U.S. politics, foreign policy, and environmental politics and policy on the Newark campus and public policy and planning at the E.J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy on the New Brunswick campus. He is also a senior faculty fellow at the University of Kassel in Germany, where he teaches global public policy, U.S. foreign policy, and comparative and global environmental politics in the M.A. program on Globalisierung und Politik.
In addition, he is co-organizer of the APSA Conference Group on Critical Policy Studies, a member of the Advisory Committee of the European Consortium of Political Research’s Standing Committee on Theoretical Perspectives in Policy Analysis, and a member of the Advisor Council of the Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference Group.
He is also co-editor of the journal Critical Policy Studies, published by Routledge. He has received a number of awards, including an Aaron Wildavsky book award and the Policy Studies Organization’s Harold Lasswell award for scholarship in the field of public policy, and one for excellence in teaching.
The author of numerous books and articles, he is currently working on a book dealing with the challenges the climate change crisis poses for democratic governance. He has also recently co-edited with Herbert Gottweis “The Argumentative Turn Revisited: Public Policy as Communicative Practice” (forthcoming 2012).