Giovanni Antonelli is a Postdoc Researcher at the University of Milan and Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute. Giovanni his Ph.D. in European administrative environmental law from Sapienza University of Rome. His research interests concern environmental law, climate change and energy regulation, European administrative law, European law and Institutions. He is an honorary fellow in Administrative and in Environmental Law at Sapienza University of Rome. In 2019 he was awarded the prestigious ‘Minerva’ International Prize for Scientific Research issued by the Sapienza Foundation and Sapienza University of Rome. Giovanni is the founder of the International forum ‘U.S. – E.U.: Environmental Law Colloquium’ and the co-founder of the “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change” International Master Programme at La Statale University of Milan. Giovanni is the co-founder of “E.U. – U.S. Environmental Jurisprudence Observatory” for Diritto Processuale Amministrativo Law Journal. He is an associate member of the Center for American Studies of Rome, of the Sapienza Foundation, of the Environmental Law Forum, of the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) and of the Global Network for the study of Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE).