Gustavo Sosa-Nunez is a full-time professor at Instituto Mora, a public research centre located in Mexico City. He holds a PhD in Political Science and a MA in International Relations by the University of East Anglia. He held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
His research relates to studies of environmental policies at different scales: At national level (Mexico), regional level (NAFTA region and the European Union), and comparative studies between such regions. Specifically, he deals with air quality, climate change and ocean policy. He is also interested in cooperation on carbon cycle research at North American level, and did his PhD on genetically modified maize labelling.
Selected publications:
- Sosa-Nunez, G. (2018). Widening the Scope of Environmental Policies in North America. Towards Blue Approaches. New York: Palgrave McMillan. ISBN: 978-3-319-56235-3 (printed version), ISBN: 978-3-319-56236-0 (e-book).
- Sosa Núñez, G. (2017). Recuento de la política de la calidad del aire en México y la cooperación con América del Norte [Recounting air quality policy in Mexico and cooperation with North America]. Mexico City: Editora Nómada. ISBN: 978-607-96638-7-2
- Sosa-Nunez, G. and Atkins, E. (Eds.). (2016). Environment, Climate Change and International Relations. E-International Relations. Bristol, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-1-910814-09-3 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-910814-11-6 (e-book)
- Sosa Núñez, G. y S. Lucatello (Eds.) (2016). La eficacia de la cooperación internacional para el medio ambiente: Dimensiones y alcances en México [The effectiveness of international cooperation for the environment: Dimensions and scopes in Mexico]. Mexico City: Instituto Mora. ISBN: 978-607-9475-36-9
- Chanona Burguete, A. and Sosa-Núñez, G. S. (Eds.). (2014). Tendencias de la política medioambiental en la Unión Europea y América del Norte: ¿Integración o cooperación? [Tendencies of Environmental Policies in the European Union and North America: Integration or Cooperation?]. Mexico City: FCPyS-PINCC (UNAM). ISBN: 978-607-02-6295-1
Peer-reviewed articles:
- Sosa-Nunez, G. et S. Lucatello. (2016). “Analysing Political Discourse: Mexico’s Climate Change Policy”. L’Europe en Formation, 2(380): 71-89. Issue: Les politiques climatiques après la COP21. ISSN: 0014-2808, ISSN online: 2410-9231
- Sosa-Núñez, G. S. (2015). “Climate Change Policy and Energy Reform: An Assessment of Mexico’s Foreign Policy”. Latin American Policy, 6(2), 240-254. ISSN: 2041-7373
Instituto Mora
Poussin 45, San Juan Mixcoac, Mexico City, 03730, Mexico
Tel. (+52) 55 5598 3777, ext. 3180.