Dr. Henrik Selin is Associate Professor in the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University where he has worked since 2004. Prior to his current faculty position, he was a Wallenberg Research Fellow in Environment and Sustainability in the Environmental Policy and Planning Group, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2001-04), an Associate with the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2001-03), and an Associate with the Center for International Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2003-04).
His research focuses on global and regional environmental cooperation and policy-making in a broader context of sustainable development. His empirically-grounded research spans traditional disciplinary boundaries by drawing on data and perspectives from across the social and natural sciences, as it combines a range of research approaches and methods. His work on how states and non-state actors interact to address environmental problems and the effectiveness of such efforts contributes to a broad range of scholarly and policy debates on environmental governance and sustainability.
He is a Hans Fischer Senior Fellow at the Technical University of Munich (2018-2021), and he currently serves as Associate Editor for the journal Global Environmental Politics.
An updated publication list is available at: http://blogs.bu.edu/selin/
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2015. European Union and Environmental Governance. New York: Routledge
- H. Selin. 2010. Global Governance of Hazardous Chemicals: Challenges of Multilevel Management. Cambridge: MIT Press
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) 2009. Changing Climates in North American Politics: Institutions, Policymaking and Multilevel Governance. Cambridge: MIT Press
- M. A. Schreurs, H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.) 2009. Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics: Comparative and International Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate
Select articles
- H. Selin, S. E. Keane, S. Wang, N. E. Selin, K. Davis and D. Bally. 2018. Linking Science and Policy To Support the Implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Ambio 47(2): 198-215
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2015. Broader, Deeper and Greener: European Union Environmental Politics, Policies, and Outcomes. Annual Review of Environment and Recourses 40: 309-335
- H. Selin. 2014. Global Environmental Law and Treaty-Making on Hazardous Substances: The Minamata Convention and Mercury Abatement. Global Environmental Politics 14(1): 1-19
- B-O Linnér and H. Selin. 2013. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: Forty Years in the Making. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 31(6): 971-987
- H. Bulkeley, A. Jordan, R. Perkins and H. Selin. 2013. Governing Sustainability: Rio+20 and the Road Beyond. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 31(6): 958-970
- H. Selin. 2012. Global Environmental Governance and Regional Centers. Global Environmental Politics 12(3): 18-37
- K. Sippl and H. Selin. 2012. Global Policy For Local Livelihoods: Phasing Out Mercury From Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining. Environment: Science and Policy For Sustainable Development 54(3): 18-29
- A. Najam and H. Selin. 2011. Institutions for a Green Economy. Review of Policy Research 28(5): 451-457
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2011. Climate Change Regionalism in North America. Review of Policy Research 28(3): 295-304
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2011. US Climate Change Politics and Policymaking. Climate Change (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews) 2(1): 121-127
- H. Selin and N. E. Selin. 2008. Indigenous Peoples in International Environmental Cooperation: Arctic Management of Hazardous Substances. Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 17(1): 72-83
- H. Selin. 2007. Coalition Politics and Chemicals Management in a Regulatory Ambitious Europe. Global Environmental Politics 7(3): 63-93
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2007. Political Science and Prediction: What’s Next for U.S. Climate Change Policy?. Review of Policy Research 24(1): 1-27
- N. E. Selin and H. Selin. 2006. Global Politics of Mercury Pollution: The Need for Multi-Scale Governance. Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 15(3): 258-269
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2005. Canadian-U.S. Environmental Cooperation: Climate Change Networks and Regional Action. The American Review of Canadian Studies 35(2): 353-378
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2004. Baltic Sea Hazardous Substances Management: Results and Challenges. Ambio 33(3): 153-160 [also translated into Chinese]
- N. Eckley and H. Selin. 2004. All Talk, Little Action: Precaution and its Effects on European Chemicals Regulation. Journal of European Public Policy 11(1): 78-105
- H. Selin and S. D. VanDeveer. 2003. Mapping Institutional Linkages in European Air Pollution Politics. Global Environmental Politics 3(3): 14-46
- H. Selin and N. Eckley. 2003. Science, Politics, and Persistent Organic Pollutants: Scientific Assessments and their Role in International Environmental Negotiations. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 3(1): 17-42
- J. Krueger and H. Selin. 2002. Governance for Sound Chemicals Management: The Need for a More Comprehensive Global Strategy. Global Governance 8(3): 323-342