Johanna Leino (M.Sc., Geography) is a PhD candidate in Environmental Policy and currently works as a full-time doctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. Her PhD research focuses on studying justice and tensions of justice in transitions through natural resource conflicts.
Leino has previously worked on several research projects in which she’s been combining her expertise in geography and environmental policy. Her recent research and publication topics include, e.g., rural perspectives on environmental justice, the complexity of justice in critical mineral conflicts, and the questions of acceptance in the contexts of peat phaseout and mineral exploration. She has also published research on the co-management of natural resources in Finland.
Calling herself a theory nerd, Leino enjoys delving into the ways to structure and understand different phenomena in environmental policy. In addition to research, Leino is interested in working at the research-policy interface and rarely turns down opportunities to network, travel, and work in international settings.