A concerned scientist working on topics ranging from marine ecology and ethnoecology to, most recently, the theory and practice of ocean governance. Beyond academia, also actively involved in building maritime knowledge-to-action networks, using web-based tools and cross-disciplinary facilitation approaches to foster new types of voluntary engagement for improved governability & healthier oceans.
- Bsc in Oceanography at University of Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina state – 2004
- Msc in Conservation at the Geography Department of University College London, UK – 2008
- Phd in the Interdisciplinary Program on Environment and Society at the Center for Environmental Studies, University of Campinas – 2014
- Postdoc in Marine Policy at the Oceanographic Institute of the State University of São Paulo, in the Marine Management, Ecology and Conservation Laboratory – 2019
- 2018 Columbus Blue Society Award For Impactful Knowledge Transfer
- 2017 Future Earth – Early Career Researcher Travel Grant
- 2015 Future Earth – Early Career Researcher Fellow 2015 UK Newton Fund / FAPESP – Marine Science Early Career Research Fellow 2014 Best Presentation in the Pesca-Kucha session (Second World Small Scale Fisheries Congress)
- 2007 Global Fellowship in Marine Conservation, Duke University (USA)
- 2004 Student Merit Award, UNIVALI 2003 Scientific Merit Award, Santa Catarina Foundation for Science and Technology 2002 Honours, Brazilian Zoological Society
- 1999 Honours, Brazilian Ministry of Defense
Selected publications
- Gerhardinger, L.C., Quesada-Silva, M., Gonçalves, L.R., Turra, A., 2019. Unveiling the genesis of a marine spatial planning arena in Brazil. Ocean Coast. Manag. 179, 104825. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104825
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; de Carvalho, F.G.; Haak, L., Herbst, D.F.; Poderoso, R. A. 2018. Planning Blues: Tenure rights fade under unjust ‘blue planning’. Samudra Reports, January 2018, N78, p.42. Available at: https://www.icsf.net/en/samudra/article/EN/78-4334-Planning-Blues.html
- Gerhardinger L.C.; Gorris, P.; Gonçalves L.R.; Herbst D.F.; Vila-Nova D.A.; De Carvalho F.G.; Glaser M.; Zondervan R.; Glavovic B.C. 2018. Healing Brazil’s Blue Amazon: The role of knowledge networks in nurturing cross-scale transformations at the frontlines of ocean sustainability. Frontiers in Marine Science. v4, article 395, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2017.00395
- Gerhardinger, L. C.; Mesquita, B.; Mattos, S.M.G. de; Mendonça, J.T.; Vila-Nova, D.; Bossolani, A.; Scherer, R. 2017. Small Scale Fisheries in Brazil: A Strong, Cohesive Voice. SAMUDRA REPORT, v. 76, p. 39-44.
- Zapelini, C.; Giglio, V.J.; Carvalho, R.C.; Bender, M.G.; Gerhardinger, L.C.. 2017. Assessing Fishing Experts’ Knowledge to Improve Conservation Strategies for an Endangered Grouper in the Southwestern Atlantic. Journal of Ethnobiology, v. 37, p. 478-493.
- Ternes, M.L.F.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Schiavetti, A. 2016. Seahorses in focus: local ecological knowledge of seahorse-watching operators in a tropical estuary. J. Ethnob. Ethnomedi, v.12.
- Giglio, V.J.; Luiz, O.J.; Reis, M.S.; Gerhardinger, L.C. 2016. Memories of sawfish fisheries in a southwestern Atlantic estuary. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, v. 36, p. 28, 2016.
- Gerhardinger, L.C; de Castro, F.; Seixas, C.S. (2015) Scaling-up small-scale fisheries governability through Marine Protected Areas in Southern Brazil. In: Governing the Governance of Small-Scale Fisheries (Eds: Jentoft, S.; Chuenpagdee, R.).
- Springer Verlag, Amsterdam. Gorris, P.; Glaser, M.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Ferreira, B.P. 2015. Exploring strengths and weaknesses of regional marine protected area governance using a network approach: A case study from north-eastern Brazil. In: Philipp Gorris. (Org.). Entangled? Linking governance systems for regional-scale coral reef management: Analysis of case studies in Brazil and Indonesia. 1ed.: IRC-Library, Information Resource Center der Jacobs University Bremen, 2015, v. 1, p. 195-227.
- Pinheiro, H T. ; Di Dario, F.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; De Melo, M.R.S.; De Moura, R.L.; Reis, R.E.; Vieira, F.; Zuaznon, J.; Rocha, L.A. 2015. Brazilian aquatic biodiversity in peril. Science (New York, N.Y.), v. 350, p. 1043-1044.
- Giglio, V.J.; Luiz-Junior, O.; Gerhardinger, L.C. (2015). Depletion of marine megafauna and shifting baselines among artisanal fishers in eastern Brazil. Animal Conservation, doi:10.1111/acv.12178.
- Rodrigues, R.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Chamy, P.; Seixas, C.S. (2015). Governança dos oceanos na Rio+20: o debate sobre áreas marinhas protegidas na perspectiva da gestão compartilhada [Ocean governance at Rio+20: the debate on marine protected areas from a collaborative management perspective]. In: Governança Ambiental no Brasil: Entre o Socioambientalismo e a Economia Verde [Environmental Governance in Brazil: Between the Social-environmentalism and the Green Economy] (Eds: de Castro, F.; Futemma, C.). Campinas.
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Martins, G.C.; Moreira, A.P.T.; Curti, C.; Seixas, Cristiana. S. (2014). Socioecological resilience at Céu do Patriarca Ecovillage – South Brazil. Part II (Emerging Ecocultures), Chapter 8. In: (Bohm, S.; Pervez, Z.; Pretty, J.) Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities. Earthscan, Routledge. University of Essex, 295pp.
- Gerhardinger, L.C; Gonçalves, L.; Motta, F.S.; Schneider, S.; Carvalho, F.G.; Vila-Nova, D. (2014). Setting and Implementing a Programmatic Agenda for Coastal-Marine Networks in Brazil. In:(Eds: McConney, P., Medeiros, R.P., Pena, M. (2014)) Enhancing Stewardship in Small-Scale Fisheries: Practices and Perspectives. CERMES Technical Report No. 73 Special Edition.
- Giglio, V.J.; Alves, J.A.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Carvalho, F.C; Daros, F.A; Bertoncini, A.A. (2014). Habitat use and abundance of goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara (Lichtenstein, 1822) (Perciformes: Serranidae) in Brazil: a participative survey. Neotropical Ichthyology, 12(4):803-810, doi:10.1590/1982-0224-(2013)0166
- Gerhardinger, L.C. & Herbst, D.F. 2014. Book Review: Centering Animals in Latin American History (Eds. Few, M; Tortorici, Z.). European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Andrade, J.; Aziz, J.; Gandini, F.; Gonzaga, N.; Lianza, S.; Mesquita, B.; Raseira, M.; Schärer, R. Mendonça, J.T. (2014). Building a national network in support of artisanal fisheries in Brazil. Presented at the 2nd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress. Merida, Mexico, 21-26 September 2014.
- Muller, M.N.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; de Lamboy, C.; Ummus, R. 2014. A call for a continued Future Ocean Dialogue – From Science to Society. Workshop white-paper, Oceanographic Institute – University of São Paulo (November/2014).
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Carvalho, F.G. (2013). Crise no sistema de governança costeira-marinha catarinense: reflexões sobre o licenciamento ambiental e o papel dos cientistas [Crisis in Santa Catarina state coastal-marine governance: reflections about environmental licensing and the role of scientists]. Reconstruindo paisagens: desafios sócio-espaciais para a Grande Florianópolis [Rebuilding landscapes: social-spatial challenges for the Florianópolis metropolitan area]. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. 405pg
- Zondervan, R.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Noronha, I.T.; Spalding, M.; Young, O. (2013). Ocean Governance in the Anthropocene. Global Change, v. October, p.24 Macedo, H.; Vivacqua, M.; Castro-Lima, H; Gerhardinger, L.C. (2013). Governing wide coastal-marine protected territories: a governance analysis of the Baleia Franca Environmental Protection Area in South Brazil. Marine Policy, 41:118-125
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Godoy, E.A.S.; Jones, P.J.S.; Sales, G.; Ferreira, B.P. (2011). Marine Protected Dramas: The Flaws of the Brazilian National System of Marine Protected Areas. Environmental Management, 47:630–643.
- Gerhardinger LC, Inui R, Matarezi J, Hansen C, and Vivacqua M. (2011). Pirajubaé Marine Extractive Reserve – governance analysis. Pages 194- 205 in PJS Jones, W Qiu and EM De Santo (Eds) Governing Marine Protected Areas: getting the balance right – Volume 2. Technical Report to Marine & Coastal Ecosystems Branch, UNEP, Nairobi.
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Borgonha, M.; Bertoncini, A.A (Org.). (2011). Memórias do Mar: Biodiversidade, Conservação e Cultura no Litoral Brasileiro [Sea Memories: Biodiversity, Conservation and Culture in the Brazilian Littoral]. Ecomares.
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Godoy, E.A.; Dapper, C.G.; Campos, R.; Marchioro, G.B.; Sforza, R.; Polette, M. (2010) Mapeamento participativo da paisagem marinha no Brasil experiências e perspectivas [Collaborative seascape mapping in Brazil: experiences and perspectives]. In: Albuquerque, U.P.; Lucena, R.; Cunha, Luiz Vital Fernandes Cruz da. (Org.). Métodos e Técnicas na Pesquisa Etnobiológica e Etnoecológica [Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiological and Ethnoecological Research]. Recife: NUPEEA, v.1, p. 109-149.
- Gerhardinger, L. C.; Hostim-Silva, M.; Medeiros, R.P.; Matarezi, J.; Bertoncini, A.A.; Freitas, M.O.; Ferreira, B,P. (2009). Fishers resource mapping and goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara (Serranidae) conservation in Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, 7(1):93-102.
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Godoy, E.A.S.; Jones, P.J.S. (2009). Local ecological knowledge and the management of marine protected areas in Brazil. Ocean & Coastal Management, v.52.
- Irigoyen, A.J.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Carvalho-Filho, A. (2008). On the status of the species of Acanthistius (Gill, 1862) (Percoidei) in the South-West Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa, 1813: 51–59.
- Craig, M. T., Graham, R.T.; Torres, R.A.; Hyde, J.R.; Freitas, M.O.; Ferreira, B.P.; Hostim-Silva, M.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Bertoncini, Á.A.; Robertson, D.R. (2008). How many species of goliath grouper are there? Cryptic genetic divergence in a threatened marine fish and the resurrection of a geopolitical species. Endangered Species Research, 7:167-174.
- Ferreira, C.E.L.; Ferreira, C.G.W.; Rangel, C.A.; Mendonça, J.P.; Gerhardinger, L. C.; Carvalho-Filho, A.; Godoy, E.A.; Luiz Junior, O.; Gasparini, J.L. (2008). Reef fishes. In: Creed, J.C.; Pires, D.O.; Figueiredo, M.A.O. (Org.). Marine Biodiversity of the Ilha Grande Bay. Brasilia: Ministério do Meio Ambiente. v. 23, p. 291-322.
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Medeiros, R.P.; Marenzi, R.C.; Godoy, E.A.; Freitas, M.O.; Bertoncini, A.A.; Hostim-Silva, M. (2007). Local Ecological Knowledge on the Planning and Management of Marine Protected Areas and Conservation of Fish Spawning Aggregations: The Experience of Meros do Brasil Project. Áreas Protegidas do Brasil, 4. Brasilia: Ministério do Meio Ambiente, v. 4, p. 106-129.
- Godoy, E.A.; Daros, F.A.L.M.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Machado, L.F.; Bertuol, P.R.K.; Bertoncini, A.A.; Hostim-Silva, M. (2007). Projeto Peixes de Costão Rochoso de Santa Catarina [Santa Catarina Rocky Shore Fishes Project]. Áreas Protegidas do Brasil [Brazilian Protected Areas], 4. Bra: Ministério do Meio Ambiente [Ministry of Environment], v. 4, p. 88-105. 2006
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Bertoncini, A.A.; Hostim-Silva, M.; Medeiros, R.P.; Marenzi, R.C. (2006). Local Ecological Knowledge on the Goliath Grouper Epinephelus itajara. Neotropical Ichthyology Gerhardinger, L.C.; Bertoncini, A.A.; Hostim-Silva, M. (2006). Local ecological knowledge and Goliath grouper spawning aggregations in the South Atlantic Ocean: Goliath grouper spawning aggregations in Brazil. Trad. Mar. Res. Man. & Knowledge Information Bulletin, v. 20, p. 33-34.
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Marenzi, R.C.; Hostim-Silva, M.; Medeiros, R.P. (2006). Local ecological knowledge of fishers at Babitonga bay, Santa Catarina state, Brasil: Fishes of the Serranidae family. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, v. 28, p. 253-261. Gerhardinger, L. C.; Freitas, M.O.; Bertoncini, A.A.; Borgonha, M.; Hostim-Silva, M. (2006). Collaborative Approach in the Research of Dusky Grouper Reproductive Biology (Epinephelus marginatus, LOWE, 1834) (Perciformes: Serranidae, Epinephelinae). Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, v. 28, p. 219-226.
- Gerhardinger, L.C.; Freitas, M.O.; Bertoncini, A.A.; Rangel, C.A. (2006). Omobranchus punctatus(Teleostei: Blenniidae), an exotic blenny in the Southwestern Atlantic. Biological invasions, 00:1-6.