Director,Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Faculty of Social Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand. Tel/Fax: 66-53-265-103; Email: and URL:,
Professional Preparation:
Ph.D (Zoology) from University of Western Australia (1993) and BSc (Honours, in Computer Science & Zoology) from University of Western Australia (1989).
Director, Unit of Social and Environmental Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand (October 1999 – Present). Interdisciplinary research on institutions, political economy and resilience and adaptation in watersheds of Northern Thailand, shrimp aquaculture and mangrove systems in Thailand and Vietnam, and larger scale analysis of development and environmental cooperation in the ASEAN region. Created and now heads the Unit of Social and Environmental Research.
Science Coordinator. START Global Environmental Change Programme in Southeast Asia (January 1997 – Present). Position held at same time as others Role is primarily to (1) provide scientific coordination and advice to regional networks of scientists, especially in the design, proposal preparation and implementation of regional projects and (2) facilitate collaboration with the activities of the international global environmental change programmes (IHDP, WCRP, IGBP, DIVERSITAS) in Southeast Asia.
Researcher. Institute of Research & Development, Walailak University, Thailand. (October 1998 – September 1999) Researcher. Research coordination; International liaison; Interdisciplinary research; Strategic planning. Scientific coordination of global environmental change research in Southeast Asia.
Overall Coordinator – Impacts Centres. GCTE International Project Office, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia. (September 1995 – September 1998) Impacts Centres Overall Coordinator. Project Management, International Scientific Liaison, Simulation Modelling, Training Coordination, Policy Liaison. Establishment of a Southeast Asian regional research centre in Bogor, Indonesia.
Researcher & Lecturer. Epidemiology Unit, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. (October 1993 August 1995). Lecturer in Epidemiological Statistics and Computing. Statistical consulting, teaching, supervision of MSc Students and coordination of multi-centre research.
Department of Biology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (November 1991 Sept. 1993) Special Lecturer in Conservation and Evolutionary Biology. Rsearch, teaching, Graduate student supervision, statistical and design advice
Professional positions:
Current member of International Steering Committees for ESSP Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study and Earth System Governance Project and START Regional Committee in Southeast Asia. Past Member of the Global Carbon Project and IGBP GCTE Project.
Selected recent publications:
- Lebel, L., S. Ganjanapan, P. Lebel, S. Mith, T. T. N. Trinh, G. B. Bastakoti, and C. Chitmanat. 2011. Gender, commercialization and the fisheries-aquaculture divide in the Mekong region. Pages 115-146 in K. Lazarus, N. Badendoch, B. Resurreccion, and N. Dao, editors. Water rights and social justice in the Mekong Region Earthscan, London.
- Lebel, L., B. J. Manuta, and P. Garden 2011. Institutional traps and vulnerability to changes in climate and flood regimes in Thailand. Regional Environmental Change 11:45-58.
- Lebel, L., S. Lorek, and R. Daniel, editors. 2010. Sustainable production consumption systems: knowledge, engagement and practice. Springer Dordrecht.
- Lebel, L., R. Daniel, and P. Tipraqsa. 2010. Mission-integrated research for development and the environment in the uplands of northern Thailand. Pages 71-94 in W. Proctor, S. H. Dodds, and L. van Kerkhoff, editors. Integrated mission-directed research: Experiences in environmental and natural resource management. CSIRO Publishing.
- Lebel, L., T. Grothmann, and B. Siebenhüner. 2010. The role of social learning in adaptiveness: insights from water management. International Environmental Agreements DOI 10.1007/s10784-010-9142-6.
- Lebel, L., P. Lebel, and R. Daniel. 2010. Water insecurities and climate change adaptation in Thailand. Pages 349-372 in R. Shaw, editor. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: An Asian Perspective. Emerald Publishers, Bingley, UK.
- Lebel, L., B. T. Sinh, and E. Nikitina. 2010. Adaptive governance of risks: climate, water, and disasters. Pages 111-138 in R. Shaw, editor. Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: Issues and challenges. Emerald Publishers, Bingley, UK.
- Lebel, L., J. Xu, R. C. Bastakoti, and A. Lamba. 2010. Pursuits of adaptiveness in the shared rivers of Monsoon Asia. . International Environmental Agreements DOI 10.1007/s10784-010-9141-7.
- Lebel, L., R. Mungkung, S. H. Gheewala, and P. Lebel. 2010d. Innovation cycles, niches and sustainability in the shrimp aquaculture industry in Thailand. Environmental Science & Policy 13:291-302.
- Bastakoti, R. C., Shivakoti, G. P. & Lebel, L. (2010) Local irrigation management institutions mediate changes driven by external policy and market pressures in Nepal and Thailand. . Environmental Management DOI: 10.1007/s00267-010-9544-9.
- Berkhout, F., G. Verbong, A. Wieczorek, R. Raven, L. Lebel, and X. Bai. 2010. Sustainability experiments in Asia: niches influencing alternative development pathways? Environmental Science & Policy doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2010.03.010
- Dore J., Lebel L 2010. Gaining Public Acceptance: a critical strategic priority of the World Commission on Dams. Water Alternatives 3(2): 154-171
- Dore, J., and L. Lebel. 2010a. Deliberation, scale and the governance of water resources in the Mekong Region Environmental Management 46:60-80.
- Garden, P., L. Lebel, and C. Chirangworapat. 2010. Local government reforms as work in progress. Pages 137-160 in C. Wittayapak and P. Vandergeest, editors. The politics of decentralization: Natural resource management in Asia. Mekong Press, Chiang Mai.
- Giap, D. H., P. Garden , and L. Lebel. 2010. Enabling sustainable shrimp aquaculture: Narrowing the gaps between science and policy in Thailand. Pages 123-144 in L. Lebel, S. Lorek, and R. Daniel, editors. Sustainable production consumption systems: knowledge, engagement and practice. Springer Dordrecht.
- Gupta, J., and L. Lebel. 2010. Access and allocation in earth system governance: water and climate change compared. International Environmental Agreements DOI 10.1007/s10784-010-9139-1.
- Jacobs, K., L. Lebel, J. Buizer, L. Addams, P. A. Matson, E. McCullough, P. Garden , G. Saliba, and T. Finan. 2010. Linking knowledge with action in the pursuit of sustainable water-resources management. PNAS Early Edition
- Lebel, L. 2009. The SARCS integrated study of Southeast Asia: research and assessment with networks. Pages 332-351 in C. G. Knight, and J. Jager, editors. Integrated regional assessment of global climate change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Lebel, L., and R. Daniel. 2009. The governance of ecosystem services from tropical upland watersheds. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 1:61-68.
- Lebel, L., B. T. Sinh, P. Garden , S. Seng, L. A. Tuan, and D. V. Truc. 2009. The promise of flood protection: Dykes and dams, drains and diversions. Pages 283-306 in F. Molle, T. Foran, and J. Kakonen, editors. Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region. Earthscan, London
- Lebel, L., C. T. A. Chen, A. Snidvongs, and R. Daniel, editors. 2009. Critical states: Environmental challenges to development in Monsoon Asia. SIRD/Gerakbudaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Lebel, L., and B. Sinh. 2009. Risk reduction or redistribution? Flood management in the Mekong region. Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management 1:23-39.
- Lebel, L., T. Foran, and P. Garden 2009. Adaptation to climate change and social justice: challenges for flood and disaster management in Thailand. Pages 125-141 in F. Ludwig, P. Kabat, H. van Schaik, and M. van der Valk, editors. Climate change adaptation in the water sector. Earthscan, London.
- Lebel, L., Garden , P., Subsin, N., Na Nan, S., 2009. Averted crises, contested transitions: water management in the Upper Ping River basin, northern Thailand In: Huitema, D., Meijerink, S. (Eds.), Water policy entrepeneurs. A research companion to water transitions around the globe. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 137-157.
- Lebel, L., R. T. Perez, T. Sukhapunnaphan, B. V. Hien, N. Vinh, and P. Garden 2009. Reducing vulnerability of urban communities to flooding. Pages 381-399 in L. Lebel, A. Snidvongs, C.-T. A. Chen, and R. Daniel, editors. Critical states: Environmental challenges to development in Monsoon Asia. Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Lebel, L., P. Garden, A. Luers, D. Manuel-Navarrete, and D. H. Giap. 2009. Knowledge and innovation relationships in the shrimp industry in Thailand and Mexico. PNAS:doi:10.1073/pnas.0900555106.
- Lebel, L., A. Sari, R. Lasco, G.-l. Ooi, N. H. Tri, A. Contreras, and A. P. Mitra. 2009d. The implications of urbanization for atmospheric emissions at multiple levels. Pages 112-132 in L. Lebel, A. Snidvongs, C.-T. A. Chen, and R. Daniel, editors. Critical states: Environmental challenges to development in Monsoon Asia. Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Daniel, R., L. Lebel, and S. N. Nan. 2009. Forest use, conversion and governance. Pages 175-196 in L. Lebel, A. Snidvongs, C.-T. A. Chen, and R. Daniel, editors. Critical states: Environmental challenges to development in Monsoon Asia. Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Lebel, P., P. Chaibu, and L. Lebel. 2009. Women farm fish: gender and commercial fish cage culture on the Upper Ping River, northern Thailand. Gender, Technology and Development 13:199-224.
- Molle, F., L. Lebel, and T. Foran. 2009. Contested Mekong Waterscapes: Where to next? . Pages 383-413 in F. Molle, T. Foran, and M. Käkönen, editors. Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance. Earthscan, London.
- Sheng, Y. K., and L. Lebel. 2009. Incomplete urbanization. Pages 35-50 in L. Lebel, A. Snidvongs, C.-T. A. Chen, and R. Daniel, editors. Critical states: Environmental challenges to development in Monsoon Asia. Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Sinh, B. T., L. Lebel, and N. T. Tung. 2009. Indigenous knowledge and decision-making in Vietnam: the case of living with floods in An Giang Province, Mekong Delta. . Pages Chapter 30 in R. Shaw, A. Sharma, and Y. Takeuchi, editors. Indigenous knowledge and disaster risk reduction: from practice to policy. NOVA Science Publishers, Chiang Mai.
- Xu, J., L. Lebel, and J. C. Sturgeon. 2009. Functional links between biodiversity, livelihoods and culture in a Hani swidden landscape in Southwest China. Ecology and Society 14:20. [online] URL:
- Lebel, L., R. Daniel, N. Badenoch, and P. Garden 2008. A multi-level perspective on conserving with communities: experiences from upper tributary watersheds in montane mainland southeast Asia. International Journal of the Commons 1:127-154.
- Lebel, L. 2008. Climate change, water insecurities and food systems in Monsoon Asia. . Pages 88-99 in C. Loh, A. Stevenson, and S. Tay, editors. Climate change negotiations: can Asia change the game? Civic Exchange, Hong Kong.
- Lebel, L., and E. Bennett. 2008. Participation in building scenarios of regional development. . Pages 207-222 in J. Norberg and G. S. Cumming, editors. Complexity theory for a sustainable future. Columbia University Press, New York.
- Lebel, L., P. Lebel, P. Garden , D. H. Giap, S. Khrutmuang, and S. Nakayama. 2008. Places, chains and plates: governing transitions in the shrimp aquaculture production-consumption system. Globalizations 5:211-226
- Lebel, L., and S. Lorek. 2008. Enabling sustainable production-consumption systems. Annual Review of Environment & Resources 33:241-275.
- Lebel, L., P. Garden, M. R. N. Banaticla, R. Lasco, A. Contreras, A. P. Mitra, C. Sharma, N. H. Tri, G. L. Ooi, and A. Sari. 2007. Integrating carbon management into the development strategies of urbanizing regions in Asia: implications of urban form, function and role. Journal of Industrial Ecology 11:61-81.
- Lebel, L., J. Dore, R. Daniel, and Y. S. Koma, editors. 2007. Democratizing water governance in the Mekong region. Mekong Press, Chiang Mai.
- Lebel, L. 2007. Adapting to climate change. Global Asia 2:15-21.
- Lebel, L., D. Thaitakoo, S. Somporn, and D. Huaisai. 2007. Views of Chiang Mai: the contributions of remote sensing to urban governance and sustainability. Pages 221-247 in M. Netzband, W. L. Stefanov, and C. Redman, editors. Applied Remote Sensing for Urban Planning, Governance and Sustainability. . Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Deutsch, L., S. Gräslund, C. Folke, M. Troell, M. Huitric, N. Kautsky, and L. Lebel. 2007. Feeding aquaculture growth through globalization: exploitation of marine ecosystems for fishmeal. Global Environmental Change 17:238-249.
- Murdiyarso, D., and L. Lebel. 2007. Local to global perspectives on forest and land fires in Southeast Asia. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12:2381-2386
- Lebel, L., J. M. Anderies, B. Campbell, C. Folke, S. Hatfield-Dodds, T. Hughes, and J. Wilson. 2006. Governance and the capacity to manage resilience in regional social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 11(1): 11:19. [online] URL:
- Lebel, L. 2006. Multi-level scenarios for exploring alternative futures for upper tributary watersheds in mainland Southeast Asia Mountain Research and Development 26:263-273.
- Lebel, L. 2006. The politics of scale in environmental assessment. Pages 37-57 in W. V. Reid, F. Berkes, T. J. Wilbanks, and D. Capistrano, editors. Bridging Scales and Knowledge Systems: Concepts and Applications in Ecosystem Assessment. Island Press, New York.
- Lebel, L., S. Khrutmuang, and J. Manuta. 2006. Tales from the margins: small fishers in post-Tsunami Thailand. Disaster Prevention and Management 15:124-134.
- Lebel, L., P. Thongbai, K. Kok, and et al. 2006. Sub-global scenarios. Pages 229-259 in M. E. Assessment, editor. Ecosystems and human well-being: multiscale assessment. Findings of the sub-global assessments working group. Island Press, New York
- Lebel, L., E. Nikitina, V. Kotov, and J. Manuta. 2006. Assessing institutionalized capacities and practices to reduce the risks of flood disasters. Pages 359-379 in J. Birkmann, editor. Measuring Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: Towards Disaster Resilient Societies. United Nations University Press, Tokyo.
- Cash, D., W. N. Adger, F. Berkes, P. Garden, L. Lebel, P. Olsson, L. Pritchard, and O. R. Young. 2006. Scale and cross-scale dynamics: governance and information in a multi-level world. Ecology and Society 11:Article 8. [online] URL:
- Manuta, J., S. Khrutmuang, D. Huaisai, and L. Lebel. 2006. Institutionalized incapacities and practice in flood disaster management in Thailand. Science and Culture 72:10-22.
- van Kerkhoff, L., and L. Lebel. 2006. Linking knowledge and action for sustainable development. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 31:445-477.
2005 and earlier
- Lebel, L. 2005. Environmental change and transitions to sustainability in Pacific Asia. Pages 107-143 in S. Tay, editor. Pacific Asia 2022: sketching futures of a region. Japan Center for International Exchange, Tokyo.
- Lebel, L., P. Garden, and M. Imamura. 2005. Politics of scale, position and place in the governance of water resources in the Mekong region. Ecology and Society 10:18. [online] URL:
- Lebel, L. 2005. Institutional dynamics and interplay: critical processes for forest governance and sustainability in the mountain regions of northern Thailand. Pages 531-540 in U. M. Huber, H. K. M. Bugmann, and M. A. Reasoner, editors. Global Change and Mountain Regions: An Overview of Current Knowledge. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Lebel, L. 2004. Social Change and CO2 Stabilization: Moving away from carbon cultures. Pages 371-382 in C. Field, and M. Raupach, editors. The global carbon cycle: Integrating humans, climate, and the natural world. Island Press, Washington D.C
- Lebel, L., A. Contreras, S. Pasong, and P. Garden. 2004. Nobody knows best: alternative perspectives on forest management and governance in Southeast Asia: Politics, Law and Economics. International Environment Agreements 4:111-127.
- Lebel, L., G.-l. Ooi, S. Tay, T. Moya, B. Malayang, D. Murdiyarso, A. Snidvongs, and Y.-k. Sheng. 2002. Southeast Asia: economic globalization as a forcing function. Pages 151-154 in P. Tyson, R. Fuchs, C. Fu, L. Lebel, A. P. Mitra, E. Odada, J. Perry, W. S. Steffen, and H. Vriji, editors. The earth system: global-regional linkages. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Lebel, L., Nguyen Hoang Tri, Amnuay Saengnoree, Suparb Pasong, Urasa Buatama, and Le Kim Thoa. 2002. Industrial transformation and shrimp aquaculture in Thailand and Vietnam: pathways to ecological, social and economic sustainability? Ambio 31:311-323.
For a more complete list see: