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Lukas Hermwille


Lukas Hermwille (m) is a Senior Researcher at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. He has been working in the field of international climate policy since 2008 and is part of the research unit on “Global Climate Governance”. At the Wuppertal Institute he has particularly focused on market-based mitigation instruments as well as questions of the overall governance architecture of the climate regime. Furthermore, he has worked on the transformation of energy sectors from a global perspective. Inter alia, he is the principal investigator for the EU-funded CINTRAN research project focussing on the patterns and dynamics of structural change in carbon-intensive Regions across Europe. He is also Co-Lead of the EU-funded NDC ASPECTS project which is generating the scientific basis for updated national climate plans (NDCs) for subsequent commitment periods under the Paris Agreement (focus on heavy industry, transport, buildings and AFOLU). Lukas holds a PhD from at IVM Institute for Environmental Studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In his dissertation “Guiding the Transformation” he integrated theoretical perspectives from transition studies and international governance theory. He has graduated with a diploma in Regional Sciences of Latin America with a special focus on energy and environmental economics.

global climate governancenarrative analysistransformative industrial policy

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