Marco is BSc and MSc in Economics (Universitá Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milano, Italia), M.D. in Systems Analysis applied to Society (Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile) and currently PhD(c) in Political Processes and Institutions (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile), with a PhD thesis on “Sustainability of Society: towards a theory”.
His main research interests relate with sustainability and governance, especially focusing on energy, cities and climate change, from a combined structural-systemic, historical-genealogical and normative-democratic perspective.
He published several papers on these topics in specialized Chilean and international scholarly publications. He has also taken part of various national and international conferences on the matter, especially in Europe.
He’s Earth System Governance fellow since 2017. He’s been young researcher of the Millennium Nucleus Models of Crisis (Millennium Scientific Initiative) and he’s currently research assistant in the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR2) and researcher at the Chilean Energy Poverty Network. He’s also assistant professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in environmental economics, and Universidad de Chile in systems theory, governance and climate change.