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Marcus Lange is a science support officer, project coordinator and research assistant at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Institute of Coastal Environmental Chemistry.

He has 18 years of experience in coastal research and marine and coastal governance. In 2018 he completed his PhD in Geography as a Science Foundation Ireland scholar. His work is in the field of Coastal and Ocean Governance and the current discussion on Transformation. His research addresses issues around the enabling conditions for the exploration of marine renewable and non-renewable energy resources in terms of technology, policy making and planning and public engagement. His research aims to provide decision makers from all sources of Governance with a better understanding of how to make better decisions and to incorporate case study learning from best and worse practices examples into decision making. In this regard research sits at the interface between science, policy, markets and civil society. In a recent initiative he coordinates the development of a science-based Coastal Pollution Toolbox (link: that serves as a knowledge hub and information platform for practitioners and scientists. The toolbox has been endorsed as UN Ocean Decade project in 2023 and is an affiliated project of Future Earth Coasts.

His PhD research was embedded into the work of the Marine Governance Group at the Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) Centre of Excellence (funded by Science Foundation Ireland) at the University College Cork (Ireland).

For seven years previously, Marcus worked as researcher and project manager in national and international projects and initiatives with an interdisciplinary research context. In 2010 he joined the International Project Office of the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) project, now Future Earth Coasts. He worked for the Helmholtz Institute of Coastal Research in Germany and became external consultant to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). He collaborated with partners from UNEP, the Global Environment Facility, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.

In addition to the PhD, Marcus holds an advanced university degree (German Diploma, M.A. equivalent, University of Kiel, awarded in 2007) in integrated Geography with a focus on coastal and marine sciences. In his minor he studied political sciences and public law.

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