Matilde de Souza is an adjunct professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. She is PhD in Political Science and since the mid-1990s, she has been working on themes about environmental agenda in the field of international relations, and her main research topic has been governance of freshwater. She has carried out some projects that involved the governance of transboundary freshwater in South America, focusing on the Amazon River Basin and the La Prata River Basin.
This research agenda has converged with her ever-growing interest in discussing climate change issues. She has already advised several master’s degrees and doctoral students on this subject, and since 2009, she has been discussing questions related to water security and governance of freshwaters, due to the extreme climatic events. She is currently coordinating a research project that investigates, in a comparative perspective, the implementation of policies to adapt to climate change considering water, food, and energy security in countries of the Global South. She is currently the editor of Carta Internacional Journal and a researcher on Productivity at National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) – Level 2.
- SOUZA, Matilde de. (2020). Transamazônica: integrar para não entregar. Nova Revista Amazônica, vol. 8, 133-152.SOUZA, Matilde de; FERREIRA, Leandro. (2020). The formation of the regional energy security complex by the Energiewende in the European Union. Meridiano 47 – Journal of Global Studies, 21, 1-14.
MENDES, Cristiano.; SANTOS, Letícia B.; SOUZA, Matilde de. (2020). Climate change, vulnerability and securitization. Revista Brasileira De Política Internacional, 63(1), 1-26. doi:10.1590/0034-7329202000114
SOUZA, Matilde de; GONÇALVES, Jéssica; ALVES, Lauana, P.D., PACHECO, Bárbara,L.P. (2020). COVID-19 and Food Security: the crisis within the crisis. Conjuntura Internacional. 17(2), 2-12.
SOUZA, Matilde de; FERREIRA, Leandro. (2017). “Is Energiewende modeling the European energy system so far?”, by Matilde de Souza & Leandro Ferreira. Revista Mundorama,
SOUZA, Matilde de; DULCI, Otávio. (Eds.). (2016). Cooperação Sul-Sul: práticas, abordagens e desafios. Editora Fino Traço, 328p. ISBN: 9788580543070
SOUZA, Matilde de. (2016). Apresentação. In: Matilde de Souza & Otávio Soares Dulci. (Eds.). Cooperação Sul-Sul: práticas, abordagens e desafios. (pp. 05-13). Editora Fino Traço.
SOUZA, Matilde de; VERSIEUX, Bernardo Hoffman. (2015). Brazil on transboundary water resources governance: the role of the National Water Agency in Amazon river basin management. Carta Internacional, 10(edição especial), 114-132. 21530/ci.v10n3.2015.300.
SOUZA, Matilde de; TEIXEIRA, Rodrigo. C. ; ZAHREDDINE, Danny. (Eds.). (2015). Meio Ambiente: Debate político central do Século XXI. Editora PUC Minas, 266p . ISBN: 9788582290323
SOUZA, Matilde de; SANTOS, Letícia Britto; MENDES, Cristiano Garcia. (2015). The Securitization of Climate Change: The IPCC as a securitizer agent for the Small Island States. Global IR and Regional Worlds: a new agenda for international studies. International Studies Association.
SOUZA, Matilde de; VALLE, C. R. F.; SANTOS, Letícia B. ; TEIXEIRA, Rodrigo C. (2015). Processos de institucionalização:princípios internacionais norteadores para a governança dos recursos hídricos. In: Bruno Torquato de Oliveira Naves & Maria de Lourdes Albetini Quaglia. (Eds.). Direito Internacional e Bioética Socioambiental. (pp. 100-118) Arraes Editores.
SOUZA, Matilde de. Cooperação Internacional e inovação: desafios para a gestão de águas compartilhadas. (2015). In: Matilde de Souza; Rodrigo Correa Teixeira & Danny Zahreddine. (Eds.). Meio Ambiente: Debate político central do Século XXI. (pp. 11-42). Editora PUC Minas.
SOUZA, Matilde de. (2015). Gestão integrada e participativa: a estrutura institucional da gestão ambiental em Minas Gerais. In: Matilde de Souza; Rodrigo Correa Teixeira & Danny Zahreddine. (Eds.). Meio Ambiente: Debate político central do Século XXI. (pp. 93-120). Editora PUC Minas.
SILVA, Leonardo Luiz S.; SOUZA, Matilde de. (2015). A cooperação jordaniano-israelense referente aos recursos hídricos da Bacia do Rio Jordão. In: Matilde de Souza; Rodrigo Correa Teixeira & Danny Zahreddine. (Eds.). Meio Ambiente: Debate político central do Século XXI. (pp. 61-92). Editora PUC Minas.
SILVA, Carla Pereira; SOUZA, Matilde de. (2015). Educação Ambiental: Uma experiência. In: Matilde de Souza; Rodrigo Correa Teixeira & Danny Zahreddine. (Eds.). Meio Ambiente: Debate político central do Século XXI. (pp. 231-258.). Editora PUC Minas.
SOUZA, Matilde de. (2015). Prefácio. In: Luciana Mendes Barbosa (Ed.). Segurança e Mudanças Climáticas: Explorando a Construção de Ameaças no Setor Ambiental. (pp. 15-18). Editora Appris.
SOUZA, Matilde de; TORRENTE, Franciely; SANTOS, Letícia Britto dos; CAEIRO, Rebeca Bernardo da Silva. (2014). Governance of Common-Pool Resources: transboundary basins. Revista Brasileira De Política Internacional. 57(2), 152-175. doi:10.1590/0034-7329201400309.
SOUZA, Matilde de; SILVA, Carla Pereira; BARBOSA, Luciana Mendes. (2014). Governance and diffusion of norms for shared aquifers management: the role of ISARM. Contexto Internacional, 36(1), 261-289. ISSN 0102-8529. 10.1590/S0102-85292014000100009.
Conference Papers/Presentations
SOUZA, Matilde de; SANTOS, Letícia Britto. (2019). Regimes Internacionais de Mudanças Climáticas e Securitização: um estudo comparado entre Brasil, China e Índia. 7º Encontro Nacional da ABRI. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
SOUZA, Matilde de. (2018). Challenges of environmental governance: water, energy and food nexus in the context of climate change.
SOUZA, Matilde de; SANTOS, Letícia Britto; MENDES, Cristiano. (2018). Regime Internacional de Mudanças Climáticas: Securitização, Efetividade e Vulnerabilidade. 4 Seminário de Relações Internacionais ABRI. Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil
SOUZA, Matilde de. (2017). A case of global environmental politics: Brazil, China and India and the United Nations Watercourses Convention
SOUZA, Matilde de; MENDES, Cristiano; SANTOS, Letícia Britto. (2015). The securitization of Climate Change: The IPCC securitizer agent for the Small Island States. 56th ISA Annual Convention: Global IT and Regional World. New Orleans, LA, USA
SOUZA, Matilde de; VERSIAUX, Bernardo. (2015). O Brasil na governança de recursos hídricos transfronteiriços: o papel da Agência Nacional de Águas na gestão integrada da Bacia Amazônica. 5º Encontro Nacional da ABRI, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Research projects
Management of water resources in Brazil, China and India
Period: 2019 – currentManagement of water resources in Brazil, China and India: the role of emerging countries in transboundary basins within the international framework of water governance and climate change
Objective: This research project aims to compare the management of water resources carried out by Brazil, and its international agency in South America; and the management of water resources carried out by China and India, and their respective actions on transboundary water resources. These countries share two river basins with large dimensions: the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and Indus basins, which will be the objects of this investigation.
Funding: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq (Brazil)
Type of Funding: Research Productivity Grant.Climate Change and Water Security: analysis of the role of the National Water Agency in the internalization of international policies to mitigate and adapt the effects of climate change to the Brazilian model of governance of water resources
Period: 2017 – currentThe general objective of the project is to study the processes of internalization by Brazil of international policies and guidelines for the governance of water resources and their adjustment to the Brazilian water resources policy. The project considers the diffusion of the Brazilian model through international cooperation, to identify the Brazilian strategies for adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change on water resources.
Funding: Foundation for Research Support of the State of Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)
Brazilian foreign environmental policy in South America and in the International Regime of Climate Change
Period: 2016 – 2018The research aims to explain why the difference in Brazil’s position in the International Climate Change Regime and in South America in relation to problems related to climate change. There is a strong present of Brazil in the negotiations of the ICCR, including from the adoption of voluntary compliance with mitigation actions for the reduction of greenhouse gases, for example, and a weak articulation with the countries of South America through a relationship based on the implementation of economic projects (mainly aimed at infrastructure) with great environmental impact, within the advances in terms of regional integration and cooperation (South-South) between Brazil and neighboring countries.
Funding: PUC Minas