Michael Addaney (PhD) is a lecturer in environmental policy and sustainability planning at the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana. Michael holds BSc degree in Development Planning from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and MSc degree in Strategic (spatial) Planning and Management from the University for Development Studies, both in Ghana. He also has an MPhil in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa from the University of Pretoria, South Africa and Doctor of Laws in Environment and Natural Resources Law from Wuhan University, China. In particular, his multidisciplinary doctoral thesis on human rights-based approach to climate change adaptation under international and regional law in Africa brought together historical, legal and geographical perspectives to explore climate change adaptation responses in Africa. The thesis therefore framed adaptation as means of bridging environmental, climate and social justice for vulnerable groups and marginalised populations in Africa. Michael has held several prestigious scholarships including the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the China Scholarship Council doctoral fellowship. His research interests include the social and human dimensions of global environmental change; environmental pollution and human health risks; and climate change interventions and socio-ecological systems in developing societies. He has extensive and active research collaboration with partners in Australia, China, Lesotho, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. He has consulted for both local and international organisations in the areas of public international law and environmental governance in Africa. He is an Earth System Governance Fellow and research associate of the Centre for Public Management and Governance of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He has reviewed for over 20 international journals in the areas of public international law, climate change, sustainable urban development, and environmental governance. Selected edited books, book chapters and journal articles include:
Journal Articles
- Michael Addaney, Michael Gyan Nyarko, and Elsabé Boshoff, ‘Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources during Armed Conflict in Africa’ (2019) 3(1) Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 85–115.
- Michael Addaney, Elsabé Boshoff and Michael Gyan Nyarko, ‘Protection of Environmental Assets in Urban Africa: Regional and Sub-Regional Human Rights and Practical Environmental Protection Mechanisms’, (2018) 24(2) Australian Journal of Human Rights 182-200.
- Michael Addaney, ‘The Clean Development Mechanism and Environmental Protection in Rapidly Developing Countries: Comparative Perspectives and Lessons from China and India’ (2018) 10(2) Tsinghua China Law Review 297-331.
- Patrick Brandful Cobbinah, Michael Addaney, and Kwasi Osei Agyemang, ‘The role of urbanites in solid waste management in urbanizing Ghana’, (2017) 24 Environmental Development 9-21.
- Michael Addaney, Elsabe Boshoff, and Bamisaye Oyetola, ‘The climate change and human rights nexus in African’, Special Edition on the Environment and International Law’, (2017) 9(3) Amsterdam Law Forum, 5-28.
Book Chapters
- Ademola Oluborode Jegede, Michael Addaney and Untalimile Crystal Mokoena ‘Climate Change Risk and Insurance as an Adaptation Strategy: An Enquiry into the Regulatory Framework of South Africa and Ghana’ in Walter Leal Filho (eds) Handbook of Climate Services (Springer Nature, 2020).
- Michael Addaney ‘Strengthening Africa’s Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change: African Union Law and Implications of China’s Belt and Road Policy’ in Walter Leal Filho and Gustavo J. Nagy (eds) Climate Change, Hazards and Adaptation Options (Springer Nature, 2020).
- Michael Addaney and Patrick Brandful Cobbinah ‘Climate Change, Urban Planning and Sustainable Development in Africa: The Difference Worth Appreciating’ in Patrick Brandful Cobbinah and Michael Addaney (eds) Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa, pp. 3-26 (Cham: Palgrave MacMillan 2019).
Edited Books
- Michael Addaney and Ademola Oluborode Jegede (eds), Human Rights and the Environment under African Union Law, (Cham: Springer Nature, 2020).
- Michael Addaney, Michael Gyan Nyarko and Elsabe Boshoff (eds) Governance, Human Rights, and Political Transformation in Africa (Cham: Springer Nature, 2020).
- Patrick Brandful Cobbinah and Michael Addaney (eds) Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa, (Cham: Palgrave MacMillan 2019) (Palgrave Environmental Sociology series).
Book Reviews
- Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, State Responsibility, Climate Change and Human Rights under International Law, Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2019. ISBN 978-1- 50991-7 (Hardcover), 190 pp. (2020) 10 Climate Law 117-122.
- Benoit Mayer, The International Law on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2018. 302 pp., ISBN: 978-1-108-41229-2. (2019) 22 Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 171–175.
- Jolene Lin, Governing Climate Change: Global Cities and Transnational Lawmaking, Cambridge University Press, 2018. 222 pp., ISBN: 978-108440981 (PBK), (2019) 9 Climate Law 155-158.
- Sebastien Duyck, Sebastien Jodoin and Alyssa Johl (eds), Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance, Routledge, 2018. 430 pp., ISBN: 978-1138232457. (2018) 2 Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 223–227.