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Dr Mostafa Naser is a Lecturer in the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University, Australia. He is a member of the Executive Council of the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL), Singapore; Research Fellow of the Earth System Governance Network, Sweden; Legal Expert of Legal Response Initiative (LRI), London and also admitted in the legal profession in Australia. Dr Naser has a PhD in Law from Macquarie University, Australia, a Bachelor of Law (Honours) from the University of London, a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice from the College of Law, Australia.

He publishes widely in the domain of international law, environmental law, human rights with a particular focus on correlation of international and domestic law and climate change-induced migration.

Dr Naser was a Research Consultant of International Organization for Migration (IOM) in MECLEP project funded by EU.



  • Kumar, S Y S and Naser, MM, Understanding Suicide Terrorism in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, (Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS) Sri Lanka, 2010).

Articles in Refereed Journals:

  • Naser, MM, “Climate Change and Migration: Law and Policy Perspectives in Bangladesh’ (2015) vol 2, issue 1 Asian Journal of Law and Society (Cambridge University Press, UK).
  • Naser, MM, “Climate-induced Displacement in Bangladesh: Recognition and Protection under International Law” (2013) Issue 4 Nordic Journal of International Law 487-527
  • Naser, MM, “Preventing Climate-induced Displacement in Bangladesh through Strengthening Adaptation Strategies” (2013) LAWASIA Journal
  • Naser, MM, “Protection of Climate-induced Displacement: Towards a Rights-based Normative Framework” (2013) Human Rights Research Journal.
  • Naser, MM, “Climate Change, Environmental Degradation, and Migration: A Complex Nexus”, (2012) 36(3) William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review (USA) 713-768.
  • Naser, MM, “Climate Change and Forced Displacement: Obligation of States under International Human Rights Law”, (2012) 22 (2) Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 117-164.
  • Naser, MM, M M Naser, “Climate Change induced Displacement: Definitional Issues and Concerns”, (2012) 2(1) Chicago-Kent Journal of Environmental and Energy Law 1-52.
  • Naser, MM and Afroz, T., “Human Rights Implications of Climate Change Induced Displacement”, (2009) 21(4) Bond Law Review (Australia) 139-153.
  • Karim, S., Hoque, R. and Naser, MM, “The UNCLOS and Conservation of Marine Living Resources Within National Jurisdictions: Bangladesh Perspectives”, (2007) 2 (1-2) Asian Journal of International Law 165-179.
  • Azam, MM and Naser, MM “Status of International Human Rights Law within the Domestic Jurisdiction: The Context of Bangladesh” (2006) 10 (1) Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights (Europe) 133-160.
  • Hoque, R. and Naser, MM “The Judicial Invocation of International Human Rights Law in Bangladesh: Questing a Better Approach’ (2006) 46 (2) The Indian Journal of International Law 151-186. (co-author)
  • Naser, MM, “The Role of Clinical Legal Education in Increasing Access to Justice: The Context of Bangladesh” (2006) 28 Delhi Law Review 163-179.
  • Naser, M M, Swapan, M S H, Ahsan R, Afroz T, Ahmed S, “Climate Change, Migration and Human Rights in Bangladesh: Perspectives on Governance” Asia Pacific Viewpoint (accepted for publication)
  • Naser, M M, Nisbet, T., Afroz, T., “The Discord between International and Australian Approaches to Pesticide Regulation and the Precautionary Principle” (2018) vol 35, Issue 4 Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 392-407.

Book Chapters:

  • Naser, MM, “Building Resilient Communities in Bangladesh through Migration as Adaptation: Legal and Policy Perspectives in the Context of Environmental Migration” in Building Resilient Communities: Land Use Change, Rural Development and Adaptation to Climate Consequences, University of California, Berkeley, 2017
  • Afroz, T. and Naser, MM “Adaptation to Climate Change in the International Climate Change Regime: Challenges and Responses” in Implementing Adaptation Strategies by Legal, Economic and Planning Instruments on Climate Change (Series: Environmental Protection in European Union, 4th Edition, Springer, 2014).
  • Naser, MM, “Conceptualising Climate Change Induced Displacement in Bangladesh” in Angus Francis & Rowena Maguire (eds.), Shifting Powers: Refugee Protection in the Asia Pacific Region (Ashgate, 2013).
  • Azam, MM and Naser, MM “Status of International Human Rights Law within the Domestic Jurisdiction: The Context of Bangladesh”, in Abdul Ghafur Hamid @Khin Maung Sein (ed.), International Law in Globalized World: Voice from Asia (Serials Publications, 2008).
  • Naser, MM (co-authors), “System of Governance and Justice Delivery System of Santal (Santal is a indigenous community in Bangladesh)”- in M Rahman (ed.) In Search of a Withering Community: The Santals of Bangladesh (Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), Dhaka, 2002).

Consultancy Report (Published):

  • “Assessment on Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Papua New Guinea”, MECLEP Project, IOM, Funded by EU. (2015)
  • “Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction: Documenting Community Practices in Papua New Guinea”, IOM. (2015) (co-authors)

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