Neil is Professor of Environmental Economics in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Neil has led the research programme on adaptation in the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research since its inception in 2000. He researches and teaches on the social sciences of global change including issues of social vulnerability, resilience and adaptation and justice and equity in decision-making. He served as a Lead Author in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and a Convening Lead Author for the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Resilience Alliance and an Editor of the journal Global Environmental Change.
Selected recent publications:
- Adger, W. N., Barnett, J., Chapin III, F. S. and Ellemor, H. (2011) This must be the place: Under representation of identity and meaning in climate change decision-making. Global Environmental Politics 11(2), 1-25.
- Adger W N (2010) Climate change, human well-being and insecurity. New Political Economy 15(2), 275-292