Contact: CradockHenryN[at]
Nicholas Cradock-Henry is a Researcher with Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua, one of eight Crown Research Institutes, responsible for all aspects of land-management research in New Zealand. He received his PhD in Geography from the University of Canterbury (2011), and holds a Masters of Environmental Science and post-graduate diploma in Geographic Information Systems. His doctoral research investigated adaptation to climate change and other, non-climatic stressors in agricultural systems in eastern New Zealand.
His research focuses on creative solutions to “wicked problems” – the product of the complex interactions between social, economic, political and ecological interactions which cannot be resolved using traditional approaches. His work is transdisciplinary and seeks to contribute to needed solutions through “linked up” and systems thinking between science and policy to connect the dots on a picture that is moving quickly, to widen the choices for societies facing uncertainty.
His applied research seeks to inform policies for inclusive sustainable development, with an emphasis on primary industries, including climate change adaptation, freshwater management and terrestrial biodiversity. Projects include operationalizing indicators for resilience in dairy agroecosystems, the globalization and governance in the horticultural industry and the development of comprehensive climate futures.
Recent publication:
Tanner, Thomas, David Lewis, David Wrathall, Robin Bronen, Nick Cradock-Henry, Saleemul Huq, Chris Lawless, Raphael Nawrotzki, Vivek Prasad, Md. Ashiqur Rahman, Ryan Alaniz, Katherine King, Karen McNamara, Md. Nadiruzzaman, Sarah Henly-Shepard and Frank Thomalla. 2015. Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change. Nature Climate Change 5, 23-26. [download]