David Schlosberg is Director of the Sydney Environment Institute and Professor of Environmental Politics in the Department of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney. Professor Schlosberg is known nationally and internationally for his work in environmental politics, environmental movements, and political theory, in particular the intersection of the three with his work on environmental justice.
Professor Schlosberg’s current research includes work on climate justice – in particular justice in climate adaptation governance strategies and policies, multispecies justice, and work on sustainable materialism and new environmental movement groups’ attention to flows of power and goods in relation to food, energy, and sustainable fashion. His current applied work with governmental agencies includes adaptation/resilience and sustainable food systems with the City of Sydney, and the social impacts of climate change as part of the University of Sydney’s Research Hub on Health and Social Impacts of Climate Change for the state of NSW. Professor Schlosberg has held visiting appointments at the London School of Economics, Australian National University, Princeton University, University of Washington, and UC Santa Cruz.
Selected publications
- Schlosberg, David and Luke Craven. 2019. Sustainable Materialism: Environmental Movements and the Politics of Everyday Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Schlosberg, David. 2019. “Disruption, Community, and Resilient Governance: Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene.” In T. Heller, T. Breu, C. Rohr, T. De Moor, and H Znoj, eds. Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. London: Routledge.
- Schlosberg, David, Lauren Rickards, and Jason Byrne. 2017. “Environmental Justice and Attachment to Place: Australian Cases.” In Ryan Holifield, Jayajit Chakraborty, and Gordon Walker, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Justice. London: Routledge.
- Schlosberg, David, Lisette B. Collins, and Simon Niemeyer. 2017. “Adaptation Policy and Community Discourse: Risk, Vulnerability, and Just Transformation.” Environmental Politics 26, No 3.
- Schlosberg, David and Romand Coles. 2016. “The New Environmentalism of Everyday Life: Sustainability, Material Flows, and Movements.” Contemporary Political Theory 15, No. 2: 160-181.
- Agyeman, Julian, David Schlosberg, Luke Craven, and Caitlin Matthews. 2016. “Trends and Directions in Environmental Justice: From Inequity to Everyday Life, Community, and Just Sustainabilities.” In The Annual Review of Environment and Resources 41:6.1-6.20.
- Gabrielson, Teena, Cheryl Hall, John Meyer, and David Schlosberg, eds. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Schlosberg, David and Lisette B. Collins. 2014. “From Environmental to Climate Justice: Climate Change and the Discourse of Environmental Justice.” WIREs Climate Change 5, No. 3: 359-374.
- Dryzek, John, Richard Norgaard, and David Schlosberg. 2013. Climate-Challenged Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Schlosberg, David. 2013. “Theorizing Environmental Justice: The Expanding Sphere of a Discourse.” Environmental Politics 22, No. 1: 37-55.
- Schlosberg, David. 2012. “Climate Justice and Capabilities: A Framework for Adaptation Policy.” Ethics and International Affairs 26, No. 4: 445-461.
- Dryzek, John, Richard Norgaard, and David Schlosberg, eds. 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.