Dr. R.B. Singh is Professor of Geography since 2002 and Coordinator UGC-SAP-DRS III, Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi-7, India. Earlier served as UGC Research Scientist-C/Professor (1996-2002), UGC Research Scientist-B/Reader (1988-1996) and Lecturer (1985-1988); Head, Department of Geography during 2013-2016. Dr. Singh is presently Chair, Research Council, CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore; Member-Research Council-CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow; Member of International Council of Science (ICSU) Prestigious Scientific Committee-Health and Wellbeing in Changing Urban Environment-System Analysis Approach. Prof. Singh is Vice-President, International Geographical Union (IGU) since 2012 and is elected again for second consecutive term (2016-20) of the highest world geographical body – International Geographical Union at General Assembly and Congress concluded at Beijing, China on 25th August 2016. He is invited by IAP-Global Network of Science Academies to join Working Group for statement on Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction.
He is First Indian Geographer bearing dual distinction of the IGU Vice President and ICSU Scientific Committee Member. Under his Headship during 2013-2016 the Department of Geography received two prestigious recognition i) second position among all the departments of the University of Delhi in showcasing good practices at Antardhwani-2014 ii) Under QS World University Ranking the Department featured Rank 1 as the Best Institution in India for Geography. He is Springer Series Editor- Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences; and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), IAP–Global Network of Science Academies representative on Disaster Risk Reduction. Invited by UN to Moderate a Working Group on Exposure and Vulnerability at UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on DRR, 2015-2030, Geneva January, 2016 and IAP invited as Panelist on Science Advise in Times of Disaster Emergencies in South Africa during 28 February – 2 March, 2016; Science Council of Japan together with UNISDR invited for Tokyo Global Forum on Disaster Resilience, November 23-25, 2017 for contributing towards Disaster Risk Mapping. He was awarded prestigious Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship at Hiroshima in 2013 and Several Travel Fellowships/ Support from UNEP, UNITAR, UNISDR, IAP, UNU, UNCRD, WCRP, IAHS, IGU, NASDA, INSA, UGC, SICI, MAIRS and Univ. of Delhi etc. for participating and presenting papers, Chairing session and discussing research projects in USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Australia, France, Finland, Denmark, Spain, U.K., Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Poland, Czech Rep., Mongolia, Malaysia, Thailand, Egypt, China, Taiwan, Tunisia, Sweden, Israel, South Korea, Ireland, S. Africa, Brazil, Singapore, Italy, Luxembourg, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal and Bhutan. Prof. Singh has specialized in Land Use and Environmental Studies, Climate Change, Urban Regional Development, Disaster Management, Remote Sensing and GIS.
He has to his credit 13 books, 34 edited research volumes and more than 200 research papers published in national and international journals (i.e. Climate Dynamics, Current Science, Energies, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Environmental Science and Policy, Physical Geography, Advances in Meteorology, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, Hydrological Processes, Mountain Research and Development, Journal of Mountain Science, Advances in Earth Science, Advances in Limnology, Asian Geographer, Environmental Economics, Tourism Recreation Research). He was Special Series Editor of prestigious journals like Sustainability, Advances in Meteorology, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, NAM Today. He is Editorial Committee Member of Jl.of Mountain Science. In 1988 the UNESCO/ISSC (Paris) awarded him Research and Study Grants Award in Social and Human Sciences. He was also associated with prestigious international collaborative research programs such as ICSSR-IDPAD, CIDA-SICI, DFID and Ministry of Agriculture. He has supervised 33 Ph.D. and 79 M.Phil students.
He was also associated with Nordic Inst. of Asian Studies, Copenhagen (Denmark) in 1998 and Visiting Professor for delivering invited Lectures at the University of Turku (Finland). He was as one of the contributors in the famous-The World Atlas-Earth Concise, Millennium House Ltd., Australia. He was invited by UGC for Preparing National Level CBCS Syllabus for Undergraduate Geography in 2015. He is expert in the prestigious Committees of the Government of India- Ministry of Environment and Forests, Department of Science and Technology, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), ICSSR etc..
e-mail: rbsgeo@hotmail.com