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Rebecca Froese is a PhD candidate at the department of Environmental Sciences and the Research Group Landuse Conflicts at University of Koblenz-Landau. There she works in the project PRODIGY which investigates possible tipping points and related social-ecological feedback mechanisms between biodiversity, land use change and social systems in the upper Amazon Basin of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia.

Rebecca specialized in human-environmental interactions, climate and environmental change, governance and peace and conflict in sustainable development. In her PhD she investigates how environmental governance shape pathways towards cooperative or conflictive social tipping point dynamics. As a case example, she looks at the tri-national boarder of Brazil, Bolivia and Peru in the southwestern Amazon.

Rebecca is also a research fellow at the Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, where she is engaged in the research area “Environmental and Resource Conflicts” on the nexus of climate change, land use and conflicts. In addition, she is an associate fellow at the Research Group Climate Change and Security at University of Hamburg.

Rebecca holds a Master Degree in Integrated Climate System Sciences from University of Hamburg and a Bachelor Degree in Geoscience from University of Bremen. Previously she also studied at University of Victoria, Canada, worked as an intern with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) in Brazil and as a consultant at GFA Consulting Group in Belgrade, Serbia and Hamburg, focusing on the topics of climate change, governance and landuse conflicts.

global changepeace and conflictsocial tipping pointssocial-ecological systems

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