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1991, Specialization Course on Management of International Cooperation, ABC (Cooperation Agency for the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)/Faculty of Economics and Business FEA of USP (University of São Paulo)

1993, MS in International Law (Dissertation: ECIP- European Community Investment Partners, Law Ruling International Cooperation) under Prof. Celso Lafer, Faculty of Law of Universidade de São Paulo, USP.

1993 to 2000, Professor at Universidade São Francisco, Bragança Paulista, SP . 1996: Special Graduate Diploma in International Law and Organization for Development, under Prof. Nico Schrijver, Institute of Socail Studies, The Hague, ND.

2000, Visiting Professor at Cal State University Hayward (International Law – a Perspective from the South) , Cal, USA. Winter term. 2000: PhD in International Law (Dissertation: International Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Amazonia- PPG&, the Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rainforest), under Professor Celso Lafer, FD of USP As of 1993, member of several International Committees and Study Groups of the International Law Association concerning Environment and Sustainable Development.

2001-2004, Professor, Faculty of Law of Universidade Santa Cecília in Santos, SP.

2005-2006; Professor of the Law School at Faculdade Max Plank, in Itatiba, SP. 2007-2016: Professor at the Graduate and Masters Course in Law (Research line, international law and sustainable development), Universidade de Itaúna, MG, Brasil.

Retired in 2016, moved to Campinas, SP, Brasil. Still participating in academic activities, but on a voluntary basis. Lawyer, registered with the Brazilian Bar of Campinas, SP, since 1986. Selectively active. Different posts occupied in the board of the Brazilian Branch of the International Law Association as of 1992 – Secretary, Director Secretary, Director of Studies, Vice-President. Now in the Higher Council. In ILA Headquaters, participated in the Working Group which discussed The Future of the ILA (late nineties) and represented Brasil in the Executive Council Meetings (succeeding Ambassador Nascimento e Silva) until 2015. Member of the ESG Steering Committee from 2010 to 2014. Since its reformulation, Leading Researcher. Active Participation.

Several publications in English with the ILA Committes and the ESG.

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