Victor Galaz’s research focuses on financial systems, and their connection to large-scale environmental change with global non-linear climate repercussions. He is deputy director and associate professor at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Galaz is also a programme director at the Beijer Institute for its programme Governance and Complexity as well as senior academy fellow at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences where he co-leads the programme Global Economic Dynamic and the Biosphere’s work on financial systems, and their connection to large-scale environmental change with global non-linear climate repercussions.
Galaz has extensive experience as research leader in interdisciplinary projects exploring various dimensions of complex adaptive systems from his work as research theme leader (years 2006-2015) at the Stockholm Resilience Centre; Deputy Science Director at the Stockholm Resilience Centre; Acting Executive Director (2014-2015) at the Royal Swedish Academy; project leader for the project “Earth system finance” (2016-ongoing); co-lead of the Lancet Commission on Human Health and Climate Change (2013-2015), Researcher and theme leader in the international research consortium Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa (DDDAC), together with STEPS Centre (UK), Institute for Development Studies (UK) and others (2012-2016); Member of the Convention on Biological Diversity Liaison Expert group on geo-engineering (2011-2012); and Advisor to the EU High-Level Group on Innovation Policy Management (2017).
Among his publications are articles in journals including The Lancet; International Environmental Agreements; Trends in Environment and Evolution; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment; Global Environmental Change; Ecological Economics; Public Administration; Environmental Politics; Governance; Complexity, Governance and Networks; Nature Climate Change; Science and others.
He is also the author of the book Global Environmental Governance, Technology and Politics – The Anthropocene Gap (Edward Elgar, 2015).
Galaz participates actively to international and national public discussions about global sustainability, politics and technology, and is a regular writer in Swedish newspaper media, and in international media outlets like The Guardian.
He is also the co-funder of the Biosphere Code.