Assist.Prof., Department of International Relations, Sub-department of Internatıonal Law, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Selçuk University (August 2014 onwards).
Zerrin SAVAŞAN graduated from Ankara University Law Faculty in 2001. She completed her law apprenticeship in Ankara Bar in between 2001- 2002, and received attorneyship certificate on 8 January, 2002. In 2004, she started to the Master Program at the Department of European Studies, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences (FEAS), Middle East Technical University (METU) (2004-2006). In the same department, she also gained right to work as a Research Assistant (April-2004 onwards). Her master thesis is on “The EU Constitutional Treaty and Human Rights” (Spring-2006). In 2006, she continued to the PhD Program at the Department of International Relations, FEAS, METU. She completed her PhD Comprehensive Exams on 28 November, 2008 and awarded PhD Degree on 10 May 2013. She studied on different disciplines during her education, law-European studies-international relations- have been assured her to consider on academic questions from different perspectives. So in her PhD thesis, combining the issues of International Environmental Law (IEL) and International Environmental Politics (IEP), she investigated the role of compliance mechanisms (CMs) established under multilateral environmental agreements.
The research concerning her thesis was based on ten months of intensive literature research in 2010 and 2011, and follow-up data collection from 2009 to 2012. It was conducted in Turkey and also in Amsterdam (in Center for Environmental Studies, Vrijie University, Holland) and Heidelberg (in Max Planck Comparative Public Law and International Law Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany) by the means of two scholarships given by Academic Staff Training Programme (OYP) and by The Council of Higher Education (YOK). Furthermore, participating to the 2012 Summer Session on Environmental Law, held by Washington College of Law within American University (from 29 May-22 June 2012), in Washington DC, USA, she also deepened her knowledge on her PhD thesis with the seminars she joined in which are directly related to her research.
For her post-doctoral research, she WAS in the Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO), Law Faculty, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Holland from 2015-2016. Currently, she is working as Assist.Prof. in Selcuk University and giving courses on Turkish Law, EU law, International Law and International Environmental Law. She is also a climate leader (volunteer for Climate Reality) for The Alliance for Climate Protection/The Climate Reality Project, and International Network of Environmental Compliance and Enforcement(INECE) Correspondent.
Related Publications:
- Paris Climate Agreement: A Deal for Better Compliance? Lessons Learned from the Compliance Mechanisms of the Kyoto and Montreal Protocols, APESS Series Vol.11, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, Print ISBN: 978-3-030-14312-1; Online ISBN: 978-3-030-14313-8.
Book editor:
- Together with Vakur Sümer, with the tentative title “Environmental Law&Policies in Turkey” to be published by APESS Series Vol.11, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019 (expected to be in February 2020).
Book chapter:
- “River Basin Management in Turkey: Meeting the Challenges of Compliance,” Editors, Walter Leal (Germany) and Vakur Sumer (Turkey), in the book with the tentative title Sustainable Water Management in Inland and Transboundary River Basins, 2019 (in process).
- “Introduction,” Environmental Law&Policies in Turkey, to be published by Springer within Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, 2019 (in process).
- “Development Process of Environmental Law: Turkey’s Case,” Environmental Law&Policies in Turkey, to be published by Springer within Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, 2019 (in process).
- “Turkish Environmental Law: A General Framework,” Environmental Law&Policies in Turkey, to be published by Springer within Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, 2019 (in process).
- “Environmental Compliance Mechanism: Turkey’s Case,” Environmental Law&Policies in Turkey, to be published by Springer within Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, 2019 (in process).
- “Conclusion: The Path Forward For Turkish Environmental Law & Politics,” Environmental Law&Policies in Turkey, to be published by Springer within Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, 2019 (in process).
- “Legitimacy Questions of Non-compliance Procedures, Examples from the Kyoto and Montreal Protocol,” International Judicial Practice on the Environment, Questions of Legitimacy, Christina Voigt(ed.), Cambridge University Press, pp.364-388, 2019.
- “Uygunluk Mekanizmalari:Çevresel Örgütlenmelerde Alternatif Yapılar,” Uluslararası Örgütler -Küresel İlişkiler Çağında, Çalış, Ş.&Özlük, E., Aralık 2018, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya.
- “Environment,” The Encyclopedia of Big Data-Laurie A. Schintler and Connie L. McNeely, General Editors-Published by Springer/Meteor, ISBN 978-3—319-32009-0, 2018.
- “Land Pollution,” The Encyclopedia of Big Data-Laurie A. Schintler and Connie L. McNeely, General Editors-Published by Springer/Meteor, ISBN 978-3—319-32009-0, 2017.
- “Water Pollution,” The Encyclopedia of Big Data-Laurie A. Schintler and Connie L. McNeely, General Editors-Published by Springer/Meteor, ISBN 978-3—319-32009-0, 2017.
- “Air Pollution,” The Encyclopedia of Big Data-Laurie A. Schintler and Connie L. McNeely, General Editors-Published by Springer/Meteor, ISBN 978-3—319-32009-0, 2017.
- “Coping with Global Warming: Compliance Issue Compliance Mechanisms Under MEAs,” Chapter 37, Series Title: Lect.Notes Energy, Volume Number:33, Book Title:Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming, Editors: Zhang, XinRong, Dincer, Ibrahim (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, ISBN:978-3-319-26948-1, 2017.
- “Gathering Information Under Compliance Mechanisms:Potential New Ways For Current Challenges,” in Innovating Environmental Compliance Assurance, Ed. by Martin de Bree and Henk Ruessink, INECE, 2015, pp.171-194.
- “The Role of Networks in Ensuring Compliance And Strengthening Coordination: A Comparative Analysis on INECE, ECENA, RENA and REC Turkey,” in Environmental Enforcement Networks: Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness, Editors: Michael Faure, Peter De Smedt, An Stas, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited:UK, 2015, pp.68-104. International Refereed Journal:
- “Climate Governance in Turkey: A Forward-looking Perspective” Turkish Studies, Taylor&Francis, 2019, pp.1-31.(SSCI INDEX)
- A Brief Assessment on the Paris Climate Agreement and Compliance Issue, Journal of International Relations, Special Issue, Paris Climate Agreement: Transition to a Low-Carbon and Climate Resilient Society, 2017, Vol.14, No.54, pp.107-125. (SSCI INDEX)
- Advancing Global Environmental Justice Through Environmental Networks, Acta Universitatis Danubius. Relationes Internationales, Vol 10, No 2, 2017. Available at:
- “Settlement of Environmental Disputes, Two Different Systems: MEAs’ DSPs and WTO’s DSP,” Acta Universitatis Danubius. Relationes Internationales, Vol 7, No 1, pp.55-76, 2014