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Adaptive Capacity and Environmental Governance

Armitage, Derek, Ryan Plummer (editors). 2010. Adaptive Capacity and Environmental Governance. . Heidelberg: Springer Verlag


Rapid environmental change calls for individuals and societies with an ability to transform our interactions with each other and the ecosystems upon which we depend. Adaptive capacity – the ability of a social-ecological system (or the components of that system) to be robust to disturbances and capable of responding to changes – is increasingly recognized as a critical attribute of multi-level environmental governance. This unique volume offers the first interdisciplinary and integrative perspective on an emerging area of applied scholarship, with contributions from internationally recognized researchers and practitioners. It demonstrates how adaptive capacity makes environmental governance possible in complex social-ecological systems. Cutting-edge theoretical developments are explored and empirical case studies offered from a wide range of geographic settings and natural resource contexts, such as water, climate, fisheries and forestry. Of interest to researchers, policymakers and resource managers seeking to navigate and understand social-ecological change in diverse geographic settings and resource contexts.

Keywords: adaptive capacity, environmental change, environmental governance, social-ecological systems, transformation

© 2010 Springer

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