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Governance and Management – Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian definitions of the terminology

Shkaruba, Anton (editor). 2011. Governance and Management - Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian definitions of the terminology. .


Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian definitions of the terminology offered by participants of summer school “Governance of Global Environmental Change”, Pskov (Russia), August 2-16, 2011

This report compiles reflections by the participants of the ReSET programme “Governance of Global Environmental Change” on the concept of governance and how it differs from “management” (or rather “environmental management” in the context).

Download the report

Another purpose of this intellectual exercise was to start a discussion on how “governance” can, actually, be translated into these languages. Although “governance” and “management” have similar connotations in English, they are, at least, different words. In Russian both “governance” and “management” would be translated as the same word – “управление”, and as far as a large portion of Belarusian and Ukrainian research terminology comes from Russian language, these languages seem to have the same problem with “governance”: most translations use the first suggestion offered by dictionaries for the Russian “управление”. The reflections are offered as they were, without editing and correcting the original texts.

The ReSET project “Governance of Global Environmental Change” organised by the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, in cooperation with the Central European University and Earth System Governance Project.

The opinions expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the view of the ReSET project “Governance of Global Environmental Change” or the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, the Central European University and Earth System Governance Project or the Open Society Foundations.

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