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Insights from Global Environmental Governance

Morin , Jean-Frédéric, Amandine Orsini. 2013. Insights from Global Environmental Governance. International Studies Review, 15:4: 562-589.


This collection of essays brings together scholars from various disciplines, based on three continents, with different theoretical and methodological interests, but all active in the subfield of global environmental governance (GEG). Each of them reviews the emerging literature around one specific conceptual innovation of GEG, hypothesizes on the reasons why GEG played a pioneer role in this concept and discusses its transferability to other subfields of International Relations. Concepts covered include law-making techniques, regimes complexes, scale, effectiveness, transparency, science/policy interface and private authority.

AuthorsHélène Trudeau, Isabelle Duplessis, Suzanne Lalonde, Thijs Van de Graaf, Ferdi De Ville, Kate O’Neill, Charles Roger, Peter Dauvergne, Jean-Frédéric Morin, Sebastian Oberthür, Amandine Orsini, Frank Biermann, Hiroshi Ohta, Atsushi Ishii.

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